How To Train Your Dachshund To Use A Dog Ramp

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How to train your dachshund to use a dog ramp

Train Your Dachshund to Use A Dog Ramp

A common question we get at Alpha Paw is “how do I train my dog to use their PawRamp?” Well, the good news is, If you’ve trained your dog to do anything, training them to use a ramp shouldn’t be an issue.

The trick for most dogs is training with treats, and lots of praise when they use the ramp. Many dogs will take to the ramp immediately and enjoy the freedom of running up and down on it. However, if your dog is hesitant, training and persistence will help them get used to their new transportation method to the bed or couch.

Don’t miss the sale happening NOW for Alpha Paw’s #1 Vet-Recommended, patented dog ramp – CLICK HERE!

What are the symptoms of ivdd in dogs?

A Reminder About Why Dogs Need A Ramp

If you are a pet owner and you’re considering purchasing a dog ramp and the training process involved before actually taking the leap and buying a dog ramp, here are some reasons why a ramp will not only prevent injuries for your dog but will also save you costly vet bills.

Because Dachshunds have an elongate spine, they have a higher risk of injuring themselves from jumping up and down on the furniture. More than injuries caused by jumping, Dachshunds and small dog breeds also have a higher risk for a certain type of spinal disease called IVDD.

The following video provides valuable insight into this debilitating condition, and every pet parent should consider adding a dog ramp to their home and car ramp when they’re traveling, to reduce the risk for their dogs. While smaller dogs have a higher chance of developing IVDD, all dog breeds are susceptible to the health threat.

Moreover, the surgery to help dogs with IVDD can go as high as $8,000. That’s much more expensive than the cost of a dog ramp.

Steps To Training Your Doxie To Use A Dog Ramp

Now that you understand the importance of dog ramps, we’ll go over the steps on training your dog to use them. Once your ramp arrives you will need to:

  • Place the ramp by the bed or couch you are using
  • Block alternative routes using items like pillows or a baby gate
  • Have treats handy
  • Have a collar or harness attached to a leash

Once the ramp is unboxed and placed where it needs to be, allow your dog to sniff around and inspect it. Additionally, allow them to get used to it being in the house before moving on to the next steps.

How to train your dachshund to use a dog ramp

Initial Training

Once you are ready to begin training, you will want to stand by the ramp and use your hand to encourage your Doxie to go up the dog ramp. Most pups will naturally take to the ramp and you can have them practice going up and down. Each time your doxie goes up or down the ramp, make sure to praise them and give them a treat.

Don’t miss the sale happening NOW for Alpha Paw’s #1 Vet-Recommended, patented dog ramp – CLICK HERE!

For dogs that are not taking to the ramp fast, you can attach a leash and block off alternative routes with cushions or a baby gate, then gently guide them up and down the ramp again using treats and praise when they complete their journey, make sure not to force or drag them onto the ramp, the leash is for gentle guidance only.

IVDD Survivor Story – Hannah & Louis


Once your Doxie is comfortable using the ramp and has made several guided journeys up and down, you will need to be persistent to create a lasting habit. A few daily sessions with 5-10 repetitions may be all you need to train this behavior. If your dog at any time bypasses the ramp then block off the alternative routes again and leave these blocks in place until you are comfortable that they will continue using the ramp.

How to train your dachshund to use a dog ramp

Why Ramp Training Is Essential

Due to their long body and short legs, dachshunds are prone to back issues caused by routinely hopping on and off the furniture or in and out of a car.
How to train your dachshund to use a dog ramp
A dachshund ramp can help to minimize the stress of these jumps placed on your dachshund back, protecting your doxie by reducing the number of times it jumps each day and can help to prevent expensive back surgery in the future.

A Ramp is an essential item for any Dachshund owner, and we have built the DachRamp with your Doxies back health in mind.

80% of Dogs Develop Arthritis or Joint Pain by 7 Years old – Here’s How to Protect Them

Most of us train our dogs when they are puppies to jump up on furniture.  We think it’s harmless (and easier than always lifting them), but for dogs, couches and beds are very high compared to the size of their bodies.

Every time they jump it compresses their back and applies enormous force to their joints.

It’s no wonder that an incredible 80% of dogs experience arthritis or joint pain by only 7 years old.

Luckily, there is a vet-recommended solution.

It’s the PawRamp by Alpha Paw. An adjustable ramp that allows dogs to safely get on and off couches and beds. PawRamp makes joining you in bed or on the couch effortless and fun.

As a bonus, you can use code SAVE35 to get $35 off the PawRamp today.

Get the #1 Vet Recommended PawRamp here