Incredible Puppy Bus Takes Dogs on Outdoor Adventures

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Incredible puppy bus takes dogs on outdoor adventures

A puppy bus ride

Yes, there is a real puppy bus just for our fur buddies, but you’ll have to go to Alaska to access their services! Mo Mountain Mutts offers an incredibly unique yet invaluable service in the small town of Skagway, Alaska – a daycare for otherwise home-confined canines. As if that wasn’t enough, Mo Mountain Mutts takes it one step further by taking their doggy clients on grand adventures outdoors as part of a big canine crew via a puppy bus!

Incredible puppy bus takes dogs on outdoor adventures

An innovative solution

For six years, Mo and Lee Thompson have provided an out-of-the-box solution to taking their canine clients on nature walks. They bought a puppy bus and included at-home pick-ups as part of their service. Thompson added that they start at one end of town and start picking up their doggie clients one by one and then it’s adventure time up the trailhead.

This cutting-edge approach relieves our furry friends of having to meet up in one place while still providing plenty of outdoor fun! According to reports, Mo Thompson loves what they do, and the dogs obviously love it as well.

Incredible puppy bus takes dogs on outdoor adventures

Final Thoughts

Taking furry friends on outdoor escapades – what could be more exciting than that? Imagine being able to sign up your pup for a day of fun and adventure with some canine companions. Have you ever wished for something like this in your hometown? Let us know how you feel about having puppy bus adventures available! Photo credit: The Dodo

Best Dog Ramp for Outside Use

Our friends from Breeding Business have made a list with the best dog ramps for outside, perfect if you are looking for a ramp for the car, truck or SUV.

80% of Dogs Develop Arthritis or Joint Pain by 7 Years old – Here’s How to Protect Them

Most of us train our dogs when they are puppies to jump up on furniture.ย  We think it’s harmless (and easier than always lifting them), but for dogs, couches and beds are very high compared to the size of their bodies.

Every time they jump it compresses their back and applies enormous force to their joints.

It’s no wonder that an incredible 80% of dogs experience arthritis or joint pain by only 7 years old.

Luckily, there is a vet-recommended solution.

It’s the PawRamp by Alpha Paw. An adjustable ramp that allows dogs to safely get on and off couches and beds. PawRamp makes joining you in bed or on the couch effortless and fun.

As a bonus, you can use code SAVE35 to get $35 off the PawRamp today.

Get the #1 Vet Recommended PawRamp here

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