Maine Coon Lifespan – How Long Will My Furry Friend Live?

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The Maine Coon is one of the largest domesticated cat breeds and as such, you may have some concerns about their longevity and how long they can be expected to live.

Maine Coon lifespan can vary greatly depending on many factors, including the diet and individual cat’s care and lifestyle, as well as their overall health.

Here, we will take a closer look at the Maine Coon lifespan to help you determine what you should expect from your feline friend and what you can do to help your furry friend live as long as possible!

Keep Reading!

History of the Maine Coon Breed

Maine coon

The Maine Coon Cat is native to the United States, Maine, and has been dated back to the 1850s. There are a number of rumors surrounding the Maine Coon Cat’s origins, but none of these are confirmed. The ancestors of Maine Coon Cats may have been related to Norwegian Forest Cats or Siberian Forest Cats.

Some people believe they were introduced by European settlers who brought their Norwegian Forest Cats to New England in the 1800s. Others think they are descended from Siberian Forest Cats.

Maine Coons are the third most popular pedigreed cat breed in the world, and were very popular at cat shows in the late 19th century.

The Typical Maine Coon Lifespan

The average life expectancy of a Maine Coon cat is 13 to 15 years. There are several factors that may affect your cat’s lifespan, including its diet and lifestyle.

Some cats die young due to injury or disease while others can live until very old age. It is important to take care of your cat and keep it safe from diseases so that it can remain healthy for a longer period of time.

How Old is the Oldest-Living Maine Coon Cat?

Corduroy, a Maine Coon cat that lived from 1989 to 2016, is the oldest living Maine Coon Cat. She was officially recorded by the Guinness Book of Records.

The Guinness Book of Records recognizes Corduroy as the oldest living Maine Coon at in the world, but there are other contenders that come close to her age as well.

What are the Life Stages of Maine Coon Cats?

Maine coon lifespan

The Maine Coon is one of the largest cat breeds, and it can take up to four to five years for them to fully grow. The life stages of Maine Coons can be divided into the following:

Infants (0–13 Weeks)

They are considered infants during this period and should remain with their mothers.

Kitten hood (13 Weeks–12 Months)

At this stage in life, they are known as kittens and they grow and develop at a quick rate.

Junior Period (1–3 Years)

Maine Coons continue to grow and mature during the junior period. Their progress will both be physical and psychological.

Prime Phase (3–6 Years)

In this phase, Maine Coons achieve their peak physical form and temperament, which is playful, responsible, and confident. After five years, they usually stop growing.

Mature Stage (7–10 Years)

Maine Coons prefer to live indoors during their mature phase due to their laziness.

Senior Stage (10–15 Years)

The agility and glossy fur of your Maine Coon will decline even further once it reaches its senior stage. Make sure to monitor your cat closely during this time because they will become more sensitive.

What Factors Affect Maine Coon Lifespan?

Just like humans, cats have different life expectancies depending on their environment, genetics, and lifestyle. There are many factors that can affect the lifespan of your cat including the following:

  • Genetics
  • Diet
  • Exercise or Physical Activity
  • Environment

1. Genetics

Maine Coons’ genetics can have a significant impact on their life expectancy. Knowing your cat’s bloodline can provide a rough estimate of how long it will live.

You can determine if your Maine Coon has any health problems by knowing the history of its ancestors. Knowing the lineage of your pet will make you able to make better decisions for its care.

2. Diet

The diet of a Maine Coon plays an important role in its lifespan. Maine Coons require a certain amount of protein in their diet to maintain muscle mass and stay healthy and active for their entire life. They need well-balanced nutrition to grow and develop properly.

For Your cat’s diet, you should consider the following:

  • Food Quality
  • Food Quantity

Food Quality

If you give your cat good quality food, it will have a higher chance of living a long and healthy life. Giving them food with essential nutrients is the key to making sure your furry friend stays healthy and happy.

Avoid ingredients that are harmful to your cat’s health and don’t give them food with poor quality ingredients because it will affect their lifespan.

Food Quantity

Maine Coon can be a little too friendly when it comes to food and often end up overfed. Overfeeding can lead to a variety of health issues including obesity, diabetes, hyperthyroidism, and digestive disorders. As a result, it can affect Maine Coon lifespan.

Always make sure to provide your kitty with the required number of calories each day instead of giving them unlimited access to food so that they can maintain a healthy weight and avoid unnecessary health problems in the future.

3. Exercise or Physical Activity

Maine coon lifespan

Exercise is important for all pets, but especially for Maine Coons. This breed is known to have a lot of energy and because of this needs to be able to burn it off regularly.

If they don’t get enough exercise, they may become overweight and that can lead to health problems.

Exercise doesn’t just help keep your cat at a healthy weight; it also helps them stay healthy by promoting blood flow which leads to healthier organs and muscles.

Adult cats are lazy and don’t enjoy exercise or physical activity. If you want to attract your feline’s attention, you need to provide:

Interesting Toys

It is important to keep in mind that Maine Coons lose interest in toys once they get used to them. Laser lights and catnip toys are always popular with Maine Coons.

A Different Playground

Your cat will appreciate a new challenge if you move playtime to a different room or install a climbing wall in your home.

Fun Activities

Try to play with your cat in an interesting and entertaining way in order to keep him or her active. There are lots of different ways to play with your cat that keep it physically active and you can use your imagination to come up with a new, interesting activity for it to do.

Post-Exercise Treats

Favorite snacks after exercise or physical activity would be a great idea to keep your cat active.

4. Environment

A Maine Coon’s lifespan can be impacted by its surrounding environment. For example, if you have other pets in the house, they may not get along with your Maine Coon. This can cause a lot of stress for the cat and affect their health adversely.

Likewise, if you don’t provide enough stimulation for your cat, they may become bored and this could lead to behavioral issues that could shorten their lifespan.

It is therefore vital that you give them lots of attention, interesting toys to play with, and plenty of exercise outside or indoors. This way they’ll be content and healthy for longer!

What are Common Medical Problems in Maine Coon?

The Maine Coon is a generally healthy cat, but there are a few possible risks as it gets older, leading to the possibility of sudden death.

You should be aware of the following health conditions:

  • Polycystic Kidney Disease
  • Periodontal Disease
  • Spinal Muscular Atrophy
  • Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
  • Hip Dysplasia

1. Polycystic Kidney Disease

Polycystic kidney disease is an inherited condition that can affect Maine Coons in particular.  Cats with polycystic kidney disease can develop cysts (pockets of fluid) on their kidneys that lead to scarring and impaired kidney function.

2. Periodontal Disease

In Maine Coons, periodontal disease is a common problem that causes inflammation and infection of the gums around their teeth. Signs of the condition include bleeding gums, receding gums, bad breath, and difficulty chewing or swallowing food.

3. Spinal Muscular Atrophy

Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a genetic disease that affects the spinal cord nerves and can lead to muscle degeneration in Maine Coons. Symptoms include decreased muscle mass and weakness in all limbs, and may appear around six months of age.

4. Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy

Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy is a disease that leads to heart failure in Maine coon breeds. It is often genetic but can also be caused by lifestyle factors such as lack of exercise or obesity.

5. Hip Dysplasia

Hip dysplasia is the most common cause of disability in this breed. It can lead to arthritis and lameness, which can severely impact your cat’s quality of life.

Take Your Maine Coon for Regular Health Checks

Maine coon lifespan

It is important to take your furry friend to the vet at least once a year. A regular visit can extend the Maine Coon lifespan.

Your vet can check for any health issues and keep your cat healthy and happy. In addition, vets can give you advice on how to care for your cat as they age.

It is not just about keeping them alive until a certain age; it’s also about keeping them feeling good!

Indoor Cat Vs. Outdoor Cats

Cats that spend most of their time indoors will tend to have a longer lifespan. Indoor cats are less likely to get into fights with other cats, get lost, or contract illnesses from coming into contact with other animals.

Outdoor cats can still lead healthy lives, but they must contend with greater risks such as getting hit by cars and contracting parasites and diseases from other wildlife.

It’s important to keep an eye on your cat’s health and behavior so you can notice any changes in their activity level early on.

Key Takeaways

  1. Maine Coons are a large breed of cat and can grow up to 16 to 18 pounds.
  2. They are one of the oldest breeds in North America and the 3rd most popular breed in the world.
  3. The average Maine Coon lifespan is 13-15 years, but they can live up to 20 years with proper care and nutrition.
  4. Maintaining a healthy weight by not over-feeding your kitty will help it stay healthy.
  5. Maintaining an indoor-only lifestyle will also keep them healthier because cats need exercise to thrive.
  6. If you have any questions about your Maine Coon’s diet or need help monitoring their weight, talk to your veterinarian.

Pro Tip:

It can be very stressful and concerning when a beloved pet is not feeling well, so it’s worth it to get pet insurance to make sure you can cover the veterinary bills.

Importance of Pet Insurance

Pet insurance is a great way to protect your animal’s health. It can be hard to predict when an accident will happen, but with pet insurance, you’re covered.

There are a few different types of plans depending on your needs, and it only takes minutes to get coverage for your pet.

Some pet insurance companies will even cover 100% of veterinary expenses. So make sure to choose the best pet insurance plan for your furry friend.

Once you have a plan in place, vet bills will never be too high because they’ll already be covered by the policy.

It’s important that we all take care of our animals’ safety and well-being so they can enjoy their lives just as much as we do ours.

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80% of Dogs Develop Arthritis or Joint Pain by 7 Years old – Here’s How to Protect Them

Most of us train our dogs when they are puppies to jump up on furniture.  We think it’s harmless (and easier than always lifting them), but for dogs, couches and beds are very high compared to the size of their bodies.

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