Domestic Long Hair | Denver, CO
Age : 2 YearsAdultMaleMediumBlack
Coat Length
MediumWho are our Working Cats? Some cats are not social enough to live as indoor pets, and prefer an independent lifestyle. These cats have experience living outdoors and are proficient mousers. Since these kitties are happier and more successful outdoors, we put them to work in homes, farms, and businesses where they can do what they do best. All our blue collar kitties are spayed/neutered, FIV/FeLV negative, ear tipped, and fully vaccinated. Why hire a Working Cat? By hiring a blue collar kitty, you can avoid using toxic pesticides, save money on a pest control service, and provide a home to a cat in need. Adoption fees are waived for our Working Cats. Cats are also more effective than other methods of pest control because they act as a deterrent!If you are interested in adopting a Working Cat, please visit the shelter in person to start the process.
Adoption Process
To adopt an animal through our facility you will fill out an adoption contract and pay applicable fees. It costs $10-$35 to adopt a cat; and $30-$120 to adopt a dog. All animals MUST be sterilized before leaving the shelter. If an animl is not fixed at the time of adoption, it will be spayed/neutered before it leaves by the shelter veterinarian. Adoption fees include all vaccinations, fees depend on spay/neuter status.
Adams County Animal Shelter
(303) 288-3294
[email protected]