Domestic Short Hair | Rehoboth Beach, DE
Age : 4 Months 21 DaysBabyMale
affectionate apartment eventempered gentle lap oKForSeniors olderKidsOnly
CurrentActivity Level
Not ActiveHouse Trained
YesGood in Home With
Adoption Fees
100.00Mylo was found by a good samaritan in Maryland surving by himself in the woods. She very generously had him neutered and got his shots so that we could take him into rescue without incurring a high bill. He is very calm, a bit cautious and at this point we feel an adult home would be best. He is currently doing well recovering from his neuter surgery and interacting with 2 other kittens slightly older and several older adults. He is litter box trained and will get a microchip before adoption.
Adoption Process
Typically we intake from high kill shelters/animal control and public surrender. Animals are vetted then transferred to Rescue Partners or directly adopted to the public after spay/neuter application and background check/home check. Our adoption fee ranges from $150-350. Animals are required to be indoor only companion animals, if the adoption fails the animal must be returned to KMR.
Kindness Matters Rescue Inc
(443) 614-0460
[email protected]