Domestic Short Hair | Five Points, FL
Age : 12 YearsSeniorFemaleBlack and White
affectionate apartment gentle independent noLargeDogs oKForSeniors olderKidsOnly
Coat Length
CurrentActivity Level
Not ActiveEnergy Level
LowHouse Trained
YesGood in Home With
Others DogsCatsChildren
Adoption Fees
20Meet Skittles! Sweet but sassy Skittles is a laid-back, cat who allows the presence of other animals. She would prefer to come to you for attention. She wants to find a home she can retire in and call home. She needs someone who is prepared for her to rule the house. In October, Skittles arrived from our shelter partner in Orlando. A plea was put out for her. After being adopted from them as a kitten, she was owned for more than ten years. But due to her various health problems, and her owner's inabilty to afford veterinary care, she was surrendered to them. Skittles is already doing considerably better after a few weeks in foster care. She is given an antinflammatory in her food for her arthritis. Although she is litterbox trained, absorbent pads are recommended because of her arthritis.
Adoption Process
Fill out adoption form
Once the adoption app is filled out and approved you will be able to meet the pet or pets you are interested in. We want to be sure they are a good match for you.
The home visit and meet and greet can happen at the same time. The home visit is to see where the cat or cats would be living. I can do a video chat as well. If you are out of state I will arrange transport after the chat.
Once the home visit is completed, contract signed, and adoption fee paid the pet will stay with you or transport will be arranged to take the pet to you.
The Hooff House Rescue and Sanctuary
[email protected]