Domestic Short Hair | Floral City, FL
YoungFemaleSmallBrown Tabby
affectionate apartment lap needsCompanionAnimal playful playsToys
Coat Length
ShortHouse Trained
YesGood in Home With
Meet Merry
Merry (EDOB Fall 2021) Hi, I’m Merry & I am a sweet tabby girl with lots of orange! I am a major lap cat! If you’re looking for a lap cat, look no further! I will crawl up on your lap anytime you’re sitting still! I am also the caretaker of all the kittens in the foster home. I love everybody and I groom them all and make sure they’re happy! Even though I was never a mama cat, I’m kind of like the mama to all the new kittens that come in! As a result, I have not been put up for adoption, but it’s now time for me to find a home. Will you give me that special home? Love, Merry Please be aware our rescue's policy is that kittens be adopted in pairs when there aren't other furry pets in the home for the kitten to bond with. If interested, please fill out our application at
Adoption Process
All potential adopters are required to fill out an application for consideration. We adopt our cats to the home that is the best fit; we are not first come, fire service.
For an application to be approved, the potential adopter must not declaw, allow their pets outside (screened area OK), must have current pets spayed or neutered and combo tested. In addition, anyone who rents must provide proof they are allowed to have a pet and pay any fees in advance.
Once approved, we require a contract to finalize the adoption. The potential adopter can take their new family member home as long as all vetting has been completed in advance through our organization (i.e. must be spayed and neutered, must have a clean fecal)
7WHSKRS Cat Rescue, Inc.
[email protected]
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