Mrs Norris
Domestic Short Hair | South Daytona, FL
AdultFemaleGray, Blue or Silver Tabby
Coat Length
CurrentHouse Trained
YesGood in Home With
Meet Mrs Norris
This quirky cat has experienced a lot of human failure in her life. She was dumped in a carrier at Petsmart with no information on why, no history, and not even her name. We took her in, updated her vetting and offered her for adoption. She was adopted by a young lady and it wasn't a good match. The lady's father then dropped Mrs. Norris off at the county shelter. We took her back and she's been in foster ever since. Mrs. Norris can become overstimulated and use her claws and teeth a bit too hard. This has led us to believe that she was taken from her mother cat too young and therefore missed out on the critical learning development that kittens need. She needs a cat savvy adopter who will understand her cues and give her both love and space.
Adoption Process
Application for approval, signed contract for indoor only and not declaw. All animals vetted including spay/neuter prior to adoption. Fees range from $80-$125.
Catapalooza, Inc.
[email protected]
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