Faerie Tales Cat Rescue

We are a small, dedicated group of animal lovers who are working hard attempting to place neglected, abused, lost and otherwise homeless kitties. Our goal is to provide to as many kitties as possible, opportunities to find a loving home to call their own. We are very concerned about the ever growing over population of kitties and are diligent in our efforts to promote the spay and neuter of felines. We are an all breed rescue and work as a no kill group. All of our fosters are located in private foster homes as we are not a shelter. We are a very young group forming in June 2005, however all of our volunteers have years of rescue experience, countless contacts as well as a wealth of knowledge in caring for our furry four-legged companions. All of our rescues will be fully vetted, combo tested for FIV and Felv and fecal checked prior to any adoption. Additionally, all of our kitties will either be altered or a prepaid spay/neuter certificate will be required to those kittens not yet able to be altered.

Taylor, MI,48180
Get directions

Email: [email protected]

Phone Number: 18552993827

Website: http://www.faerietales.org


Domestic Long Hair | Detroit, MI

BabyFemaleMediumBlack (Mostly)


Coat Length




House Trained


Good in Home With

Others DogsCatsChildren

Meet Minky

Name: MinkyDoB: 7/30/23Adoption Fee: $140Minky is a sweet Beauty, she has the most stunning silver under coat!!! Minky and her entire litter Sassy, Sweetie and Minky are great girls full of love, curiosity and playful antics....Great group of kittens!  Minkyis the most reserved of the litter of girls. Fostered with other cats, a cat friendly dog would be ok with a proper introduction .Spayed, current on vaccines, FELV/FIV neg, wormed and ready for a forever home.Please include ID# with the name of the cat you are interested in when you submit an application.The  cats/kittens that are posted are available, unless it is stated  'adopted'.  If one is 'pending' you still may submit an application in  case the adoption does not go through.Our adoption fees are posted on our home page.You must be at least 21 years old to apply.To apply, please click on the link:  https://faerietales.org/adoption/adoption-form/  ORsend an email to: [email protected].    Please answer all questions, otherwise your pre-application may not be reviewed. Include the following information in your email:1. Your name, address, home phone number & email address.Age of applicant, age of co-applicant and do you live with your parents?2. Your reason for wanting to adopt this kitten? Yourself ? Child's pet? Companionship to another pet? Gift/Surprise? Other? 3. Type of housing you live in (own home, apartment, condo, etc.), rent or own.Landlord's name/phone # if applicable:4. Are you looking for a inside cat only, outside only, or both inside & outside?5. Do you plan to declaw this cat/kitten?6.  Please list all of the people in your home, include age & gender.7. Who will be responsible for taking care of the cat?8. What arrangements have you made to care for the pet in case you can no longer do so?9. The number of hours per day the animal will be left alone, and where you will keep the animal when left alone?10.  A list of any animals you've had in the last 10 years, including how  long you had them and where they are now. Please include the names of  each animal, and the type of animal.11. Are/were they spayed/neutered? Current on vaccines? Has your cat been tested for FIV/FeLV?  12.  Who is your current/previous veterinarian (clinic name and phone  number)? You must call your vet and give permission to release  information regarding your pets, we will be contacting your veterinarian  as a reference.13. Are/were your pets receiving annual veterinarian care?14. How much time do your current/previous pets spend outside? Inside _____% of the time.Outside ____% of the timePlease estimate how much time you plan to have this cat inside and outside.Inside _____% of the time.Outside ____% of the time.15. Does anyone in your family suffer from pet allergies?16.  Rescue animals require time to adjust to their new home. Are you  willing to give this animal adequate time for proper adjustment -  perhaps three weeks or more? What amount of time do you consider to be reasonable for adjustment?17. Cats can live as long as 15-20 years.  Select all of the following that may cause you to give up the animal.Birth of a child __ New roommate___ Marriage ___ Divorce ____ Unemployment ___ Needs regular medication ___ Allergies.18.  What kind of personality traits in a cat are you NOT willing to live with?  Select all of the following that apply.Excessive meowing ___ Unfriendly toward other pets ___   Shy, skittish, or hides a lot  __ Scratching furniture,  ___Jumps on kitchen counter/tables___Other ________________________________19. Methods you plan to use to discourage unwanted behavior(s): Yell___ Put cat in another room___ Remove problem item(s)  ___   Put cat outside ___Won’t tolerate behaviors ___Swat/spank/hit with newspaper  ___Spritz with water ___,Throw something at cat___Who cares cats are cats.20.  Have you ever had to return a pet to a breeder or taken to a pound, shelter or rescue?  If so, please explain:21.  I would like a cat who (check all that applies):Plays gently____ Loves everyone____Is a cuddler____ Is quiet____Is fairly active____ Is a enthusiastic player____Enjoys a little lap time____Talks occasionally___ Is a chatterbox___Is more independent___The above information that I have provided to FTCR for the purpose of adopting an animal is accurate and complete.IMPORTANT PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING:A  volunteer will review your application and contact you ONLY if you are  approved or if further clarification is required.  We will make every  attempt to contact approved applicants within 5 business days of  application submission (M-F), but this will depend on the number of applications received.  Please  understand that by answering the questions does not guarantee the  adoption of the pet, nor are you obligated to adopt the pet.FTCR  adopts to homes that are best fits for our animals' needs, and not on a  first-come, first-served basis.  If you currently own a pet or have a  history of pet ownership, you must provide a vet reference for your application to be processed.  Preference is given to applications with prior pet experience and vet references.  We are an all-volunteer organization, and regret that we do not have the resources to contact applicants that are not approved.  Please do not contact us to check on the status of your application - it just slows down our ability to process applications.  Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.-  We ask for your patience as we review your application.FTCR  receives several each day and cannot respond to every one individually.-  Approved applicants are based on best fit, not first submitted.  FTCR  RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REFUSE ANY APPLICANT, so please  understand that it is within our discretion to make those decisions on  behalf of our animals.Keep in mind that  we depend 100% on volunteers, most of whom have full-time jobs, so we  ask for your understanding as we do the best we can in the endless  effort to find homes for these deserving animals!WE DO NOT HAVE A SHELTER,  ALL OF OUR ANIMALS ARE IN ONE OF OUR VOLUNTEERS HOME.THANK YOU FOR YOUR INTEREST IN A RESCUE ANIMAL

Adoption Process
Adopters contact us at [email protected] to request an applicaiton to be mailed to them if they are interested in adopting one of our cats/kittens. We then review the application and check their personal and veterinary refernces. If approved we proceed with the adoption contract process and collect fees. Young kittens who have not been spayed or Neutured require an additional spay/neuter contract and additional deposit that will be returned when proof of the sterilization is mailed back to the rescue group. The fees range depending on animal adult or kitten and breed specificity and status of alteration.

Faerie Tales Cat Rescue
[email protected]

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