Goliath - FIV+
Tuxedo | Tallahatchie County, MS
Age : 8 Years 7 MonthsAdultMaleLargeBritish Shorthair
affectionate apartment gentle independent intelligent needsCompanionAnimal oKForSeniors olderKidsOnly protective skittish timid
Coat Length
CurrentActivity Level
Slightly ActiveEnergy Level
LowHouse Trained
YesGood in Home With
Others DogsCats
Adoption Fees
$70Meet Goliath - FIV+
FIV cat = positively adoptable! Goliath is a middle aged man looking for a soft hand to help him learn to trust humans a little more. He would like to spend his days lounging on a soft blanket with lots of snacks. He is a very sweet guy who loves his snacks. He’s not really into toys but he has been an outside cat most (if not all) of his life until he came to us. He was a feral at one of our feeding stations & one day was limping. We trapped him & took him to the vet. Turns out it was just a sprain from doing kitty cat things, but he is also FIV+. This is not a death sentence but it means that his outside days are over. We have been working with him but feel he would make more progress is a quieter, slower home. He prefers women over men & loves running around the house at night finding all the new things that came in during the day. We believe he’ll make someone very happy, but he just needs a little time & patience first. Research shows FIV is only transmitted through deep blood-drawing bite wounds. FIV+ cats can happily live in socialized multicat households. Apply to foster him today! http://linktr.ee/9lcroxms
Adoption Process
Cats are advertised on FB, shown at Petsmart 2148 in Oxford MS. Applicant fills out two pages adoption application. Call landlord for approval, check vet references, interview applicant. Applicant pays adoption fee ($25-100), picks up animal (carrier required). Animals can be returned at any time to us, no time limit (even after years). Follow up phone cal, txt message or email. 24hrs waiting time for approval to ensure it is not an impulse buy.
9 Lives Cat Rescue of Oxford MS
[email protected]
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