Domestic Long Hair | Tipton, MO
Age : 2 Years 10 MonthsAdultFemaleMediumBlack and White
affectionate apartment lap oKForSeniors olderKidsOnly ongoingMedical playsToys
Coat Length
CurrentActivity Level
Slightly ActiveEnergy Level
LowHouse Trained
YesAdoption Fees
75Meet Mia
Mia is a gorgeous 2 year old kitty that has been through a lot in her short life so far. She was found a few months ago laying on the side of the road and was unable to move her back legs. Initially she was thought to have a blood clot blocking blood supply to her back legs. After further diagnostic testing she was found to have a broken pelvis. After a lot of crate rest and with the help of some anti-inflammatory medications, she has gained a lot of the movement back in her rear legs. To help Mia live her best life, she will require a Solensia Injection monthly. Mia is a very sweet kitty, playful and was declawed by previous owners. She is not fond of other cats or dogs and will need to be in an only pet home. Mia is spayed, microchipped, litter lox trained, received her age appropriate vaccines, dewormed and flea treated. Apply to adopt here! https://www.shelterluv.com/matchme/adopt/PAE/Cat
Adoption Process
Pawsibilities Are Endless
(660) 221-2777
[email protected]
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