Tabby | Clintondale, NY
Age : 3 Years 6 MonthsAdultMaleLargeDomestic Short Hair
affectionate obedient playful
Coat Length
ShortActivity Level
Moderately ActiveEnergy Level
LowHouse Trained
YesGood in Home With
Meet Bruce
Bruce is 3-1/2 years old and the classic stereotype of a cat. He is curious and loves to have fun with string and loves boxes he can play in. He is a homebody and has no interest in going outside. He will be your best friend once you feed him or give him treats. Bruce gets along well with other cats and would make a great addition to any household. Bruce is 3-1/2 years old, neutered and fully vaccinated and ready for his new home. Please complete preadopt on website Click on adopt a cat. Click on start the adoption process. Once received I will reach out to coordinate a meeting.
Adoption Process
We require a pre-adopt application to make sure the adoptable pet is compatible with the adopter and any pre-existing pets.
Bloomingdale Regional Animal Shelter Socety, Inc.
(973) 838-2220
[email protected]
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