Tuxedo | Ellenville, NY
Age : 2 Years 2 MonthsAdultMaleX-LargeDomestic Short Hair
affectionate eagerToPlease gentle goofy intelligent obedient playful playsToys
Coat Length
ShortActivity Level
Slightly ActiveHouse Trained
YesGood in Home With
Meet Magnum
Extra large cat lovers! Here is your boy. Magnum weighs in at 16lbs 13 oz and he is not fat - just a big boy. Magnum is a lover and loves to play and be pet. Found outside in this cold weather a good samaritan was afraid he would freeze. Now comfy and cosy at the rescue he has settled in well. Magnum can be selective with other cats and probably prefers to be the only cat. Magnum is neutered, vaccinated and tested negative for feline aids and leukemia. He does not have a microchip. Magnum will be at the Petsmart in Wayne this weekend March 1 and 2 from 1pm-4pm. Stop by to meet him! If interested in Magnum please complete the preadopt on website Click on adopt a cat. Click on start the adoption process.
Adoption Process
We require a pre-adopt application to make sure the adoptable pet is compatible with the adopter and any pre-existing pets.
Bloomingdale Regional Animal Shelter Socety, Inc.
(973) 838-2220
[email protected]
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