Domestic Short Hair | Stone Ridge, NY
YoungFemaleMediumGray and White
My name is lizzie and I am a little girl that was found with the litter of kittens outside underneath a shed where my mom had no place to go but there to give birth. I am one of those 1 in a million kittens that got a break in life. I am with critter cavalry.Rescue, who promises me a good home one day. I am only four months old, and I am completely vetted and ready for a new home. I love to crawl up in my posture, mom's lap and purr and purr.While she strokes me and tells me what a pretty girl I am. I love to play with other kittens and I could be good around dogs, too if the dogs are nice to me. I am a pretty confident girl, but shy for a little bit.When I first meet new people. I would love to have a family or a special person. Lets me be their little princess in life. If you are interested in me becoming your girl, email critter cavalry rescue at [email protected]
Adoption Process
All potential adoptors must complete the application request form on any dog. Before placing a dog with an adoptor Critter Companion conducts a vet check to ensure proper health, gets the dog up to date on all shots and neuters the dog.
Critter Companion Rescue
(615) 668-5334
[email protected]
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