Humane Society of Lawton Comanche County

Our organization is a non-profit 501(C)(3) rescue formed to offer an alternative for canines and felines that would otherwise face an uncertain future. We are a group of volunteers that have a passion for animals and the rescue mission of finding loving homes for the animals under our care.No loving companions are adopted out until they are spayed or neutered, check by a veterinarian, vaccinated and tested. Foster homes are always scarce and in high demand so if you can open your hearts and your home to help our animals it would be much appreciated. Every foster makes it possible for another unwanted animal to find a loving home. Locations in the Lawton area would be ideal but no home will be excluded for consideration. What would a non-profit be without donations? Remember donations are all tax deductible. Wouldn't you rather give to loving cause then Good old Uncle Sam! If you are like us, we have already given at the office!Barn homes are needed from time to time for our felines that just can't seem to adjust living with us humans. So, we would like to see them put to work catching those pesky little rodents. We will make sure you will have a healthy and vetted cat, if you will make sure the cat has a warm shelter from our cold winter nights, supplemental food and water and a kind eye out for his/her needs. The cat will make sure to provide you with a rodent free barn. It's a win/win situation.Are you a literary giant like Hemingway or Steinbeck and can plead a case? We need grant writers! Grants are the lifeblood of any rescue. We are busy taking care of the animals and finding homes and need you to put pen to paper!If you can't adopt, foster. If you can't foster, sponsor. If you can't sponsor, volunteer. If you can't volunteer, donate. If you can't donate, educate, network and crosspost. EVERYONE can do something, large or small, to help save a life.

Lawton, OK,73502
Get directions

Phone Number: (580) 355-7729



Tabby | Stephens County, OK



Coat Length




House Trained


Good in Home With

Others DogsCats


ROSALIE - F, DSH, Gray Tabby, approximately 7 months old. Rosalie is a sweet and loving girl who will steal your heart with her happy chirps and affectionate nature. She is always to see you and loves being held, giving kisses and cuddling. She enjoys laying on the couch, gazing out the window and exploring. Her joyful purrs and expert biscuit making show how content she’s in when she’s in your company. She is laid back and is great with other cats and even dogs. She is litter box trained, spayed, FeLV/FIV negative and up to date on her vaccinations. If you are interested in adopting this sweet girl she can be seen at PetSmart, 1806 NW 82nd Street, Lawton. 

Adoption Process
The fee for feline is $85 and Canine is $100. For cats updated on age appropriate vaccinations, spay or neuter (voucher provided if not old enough) and feline leukemia tested. For dogs: age appropriate vaccinations, spay or neutered (voucher provided if not old enough), puppies are parvo tested. Here is the adoption agreement: ADOPTION AGREEMENT HUMANE SOCIETY OF LAWTON-COMANCHE COUNTY I will provide the adopted animal with a good and safe home. I will keep up with the pet’s vaccinations and seek veterinary assistance in case of an illness or emergency. I have no objection against a Humane Society agent conducting a home visit prior to or following the adoption. Init: If unforeseen circumstances occur, I agree to return the adopted pet to the Humane Society. Init: The Humane Society of Lawton-Comanche County is strictly against de-clawing cats, and de-barking dogs. This type of surgery is considered extremely cruel, and renders the animal totally defenseless when faced with danger. All the Humane Society pets have already been altered or are scheduled to be altered. If not altered, I agree to take the animal to be altered on its scheduled appointment. Init: _____ The animal has a clean bill of health* to the best of our knowledge. If it is an adult it has had its vaccinations. If it is a kitten or puppy, any booster shot(s) still required is the responsibility of the owner. The Humane Society requests a non-refundable adoption donation of $85.00 for cats and $100.00 for dogs to help defray the cost of neutering/spaying, vaccinations, medical tests, and fostering expenses. Animal Type: Cat: Dog: Gender: Altered: Rabies Shot: Pet Name: Birth Date/Age: Breed: Color: Applicant’s Name: Address: City: Zip: Home Phone: Cell Phone: E-Mail: Occupation: Residence: Own: Rent: If Renting Are Pets Allowed? Yes: No: Landlord’s (Apts) Name/Telephone Number: 
 Children in Household? No: Yes: How Many: Ages: Reference (Name/Phone): Reference (Name/Phone): Veterinarian: If adopting a cat, will it be kept: Indoor: Outdoor: Both: If adopting a dog, do you have a fenced yard? Yes: No: If you move, will you take the pet with you? Stateside: Oversees: Do you own other dogs or cats? No: Yes: If Yes How Many? Dogs: Cats: List other animal types you own: Have you previously owned animals? No: Yes: If Yes: Cat: Dog: Other: (List type(s)): How long did you have them? What happened to the animal(s)? What are your reasons for wanting to adopt this animal? I declare that the information that I have provided in this application is correct. I further declare that I am financially and physically able to take care of this animal to include food and veterinary expenses. Init: _____ If a home visit reveals falsification of any facts on my part, the Humane Society has the right to refuse or nullify the adoption and reclaim the animal from the premises without reimbursement of the adoption donation. Init: Each year, the local animal shelter euthanizes over 4,300 cats & dogs, which have been abandoned or dumped by irresponsible pet owners. We strongly urge pet owners to neuter or spay all their pets in order to avoid unwanted litters, and to reduce pet overpopulation. Our objective is to help eliminate the unnecessary slaughter of thousands of innocent animals. Please help us support our worthy cause. We are a local non-profit organization and any contributions, which are tax exempt, are greatly appreciated. We are not affiliated with the National Humane Society and do not receive money from them. A Membership/Donation/Assistance form is enclosed but not required. We are also in desperate need for foster families! 
Signature: Date: *ADOPTION DISCLAIMER: The Humane Society of Lawton-Comanche County makes a substantial effort to ensure that adoptable animals are in good health. It is possible however, that undetectable illnesses or conditions may be present or incubating at the time of adoption. That is why we recommend you take your new pet to your veterinarian for a checkup. Therefore, the Humane Society of Lawton-Comanche County does not make any guarantee as to age, behavior, breed, health, temperament or the ultimate size of any animal. *We strongly recommend that adopted pets be taken to your local veterinarian for a complete health check. Humane Society of Lawton-Comanche County P.O. Box 3134 Lawton, OK 73502 (580) 355-7729 We are a rescue for cats and dogs that are in need of loving homes. Please bring all family members to see the animals since everyone will be living in the same household. Peace and harmony are a good thing and remember it takes the whole household to provide for a loving pet.You will need to fill out an adoption application and provide a form of identification then pay a fee for a fully vetted feline or canine. Sometimes an adoption just doesn't work out for whatever reason please bring our furry friend back to us. We understand life happens and we are always glad to see them again. It's the right thing to do.

Humane Society of Lawton Comanche County
(580) 355-7729

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