Cheetah - Rausin Rescue Mission
Domestic Short Hair | Lakeview, OR
Age : 7 Years 7 MonthsAdultFemaleOrange
Coat Length
ShortGood in Home With
Others DogsCats
Adoption Fees
0Meet Cheetah - Rausin Rescue Mission
* COURTESY - RAUSIN RANCH RESCUE MISSION - URGENT * Meet Cheetah! She's a queen to her core and inherited her mother Judge Judy's face! Cheetah will keep any space rodent free, and keep everyone in line, too! Her thick fur needs regular undercoat brushing but she's worth the time! Ok w/cats Ok w/cat-friendly dogs Good w/people Notes: Excellent mouser, territorial with other cats, comfortable indoors and out, likes a little milk The home in which these cats have lived is being sold and these listed cats will indeed be left without a caretaker or a safe place to be. The owner is in desperate need to rehome several cats in a short amount of time and is already taking the more difficult to place with her but there is only so much she can do. High Plateau is inundated and has no room or we would gladly take these cats in. We at High Plateau are making a plea on Jenn Rausin and these cats behalf to help in this dire situation. Please reach out if you can help or are interested in any of her cats listed. *If you are a shelter / rescue or humane society and happen to see these listings High Plateau can provide anything that these cats are lacking and transportation for a transfer. Please I implore you to help in this situation as time is of the essence and is running short. We would like to see happy outcomes.
Adoption Process
When someone releases an animal to HPHS, we require a signed release form. We then have the animal vaccinated and spayed or neutered before offering it for adoption. Adoption fees vary and are listed with each animal.
High Plateau Humane Society
(530) 233-9277
[email protected]
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