Happy Paws Kitten Rescue

Happy Paws Kitten Rescue is a licensed organization dedicated to care for, provide medical treatment, and re-home homeless, abandoned, and abused cats in East Tennessee. We are also dedicated to promoting proper care of animals through community education and to strengthening the human-animal bond. All of our cats live in a cage free indoor environment. They are fed a grain free diet and get lots of love and attention. We spoil our fur babies. For every cat that is adopted out, it opens additional room for another life to be saved.

knoxville, TN,37917
Get directions

Email: [email protected]

Phone Number: (865) 765-3400

Website: http://www.happypawskittenrescue.org

Sweet Pea

Calico | Jellico, TN

FemaleCalico or Dilute Calico


Coat Length


Meet Sweet Pea

Sweet pea is a gorgeous female calico. She is approximately two years old and she had a rough start to her life. She came from a family that had another cat that was a bully, but, there was also domestic violence going on in the family. She is gorgeous and so so very sweet UNTIL she sees another cat. She gets very angry when she sees another cat. She will grow at the cat and maybe even lunch at me when she sees another cat. I’ve never tried the kitty cat Prozac or anything like that but I feel super super sorry for her because she has to be in a room alone most of the day. I try to spend time with her in her room and once a day I gather up all my cats and put them in different rooms and let her come out and roam around. It’s going to take just the right doctor that will have patience with her and no other animals in the home. I really hope for a better life for her that she just has to be confined to one bedroom all the time. Obviously, there would be a learning curve with her, and should someone want to give her a loving home, I would always be willing to take her back if it did not work. .

Adoption Process
application and contract, $65 most cats and kittens

Happy Paws Kitten Rescue
(865) 765-3400
[email protected]

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