Domestic Short Hair | Wildwood, TN
Coat Length
ShortMeet River
Hello! My name is River! I was taken in by the sweet rescue lady when I was just a few days old. I lost my whole family in floods from a hurricane! When I was found, I was soaking wet and very scared. The sweet rescue lady fed me a bottle and raised me with foster siblings. She says I’m finally ready for my forever home! I am admittedly kind of a needy girl. I want constant cuddles and constant attention. I have to sleep nose to nose with my humans. I suck on my arm for comfort - a trait that I probably won’t grow out of. It doesn’t hurt me to suck on my arm, but I’ve been told it’s quite a loud habit and it is not to be overlooked when deciding whether to adopt me or not (apparently not all humans love that sound when they’re trying to sleep). Hmmm… Let’s see… I’m fine with other cats, though I prefer humans. Dogs kind of scare me but if they ignore me, they’re fine too. My foster mom tells me that I have “personal space issues” so younger kids probably aren’t the best for me. Older kids are fine! I also don’t want to be left by myself a lot. If you think I could come join your family, please apply to adopt me! I promise to love you for forever!
Adoption Process
application and contract, $65 most cats and kittens
Happy Paws Kitten Rescue
(865) 765-3400
[email protected]
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