Dachshund Dalmatian Mix: Cruella De Vil’s Almost-Pet-Companion

Dachshund Dalmatian Mix: Cruella De Vil’s Almost-Pet-Companion

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If there were ever a dog that Cruella DeVil would take as a companion instead of trying to make it into an item of clothing, it would be the Dalmachshund. Their fiery attitude would match hers to a fault, and their occasional spots would coordinate perfectly with her Dalmatian coat, had the poor fashionista ever got the chance to make it.

The Dachshund and the Dalmatian mix are attractive to people who are not notorious villains from children’s fiction as well. Both parent breeds are well-loved and world-famous, and—while it might seem so at first glance—not all that different. If this quirky cross has caught your eye, here’s everything you need to know before you adopt your new family member.

A History Buff’s Guide to the Dalmatian Dachshund Mix

Dachshund dalmatian mix: cruella de vil's almost-pet-companion

Source: minniethedachmatian

Designer dogs are a relatively new idea—they’ve come into fashion in the past 30 years or so. The combination of the short life of intentional cross-breeding and the fact that the Dachshund and Dalmatian mix is a quite unusual one means that there is precious little known about the cross itself. To get a better picture of what a Dalmachshund is like, we’ll need to take a look at the parent breeds.

Dachshund is not on our list of the best dog breeds to adopt for nothing—this truly impressive breed is loyal, affectionate, and unbelievably brave. They had to be—their job was to hunt badgers, which are fearsome foes even for much bigger creatures than a small Doxie. The breed was created in Germany more than half a millennium ago. Their name literally means “Badger Dog”, and their bodies are long with short legs to help them move around in the underground dens in which their prey dwells. 

Their loud bark had a function, too—it was supposed to let their human partners know their underground location. Today, they retain all of their badger-hunting attributes. To the joy of all Dachshund memes lovers, their shape is still pure comedy. Their bravery, independence, and determination are still there, to the despair of every owner who ever tried to make them do something the dogs didn’t particularly care about. Their love of digging and barking is intact, and they are still loyal to a fault. Is it any wonder we adore them as much as we do? If you’d like to know more about this incredible breed, check out these ten facts you should know about Dachshunds with pictures.

You may have heard that Dalmatians come from the Croatian region of Dalmatia, but that is probably an incorrect assumption. These powerful dogs coexisted with ancient Egyptians, but we don’t know whether the Egyptians created the breed in the first place or if the Dalmatians even predated the pyramids. Their origins are murky at best, and a complete mystery at worst. By the early 19th century, though, the breed had blossomed in Dalmatia, which is probably how it got its name. 

Dalmatians get on with horses like a house on fire, so they were used as coach dogs. Their first job was to trot along and protect the carriage and the horses when the coachman is away. Their other job—which became more relevant when the dogs became associated with firefighters—was to make sure that a speeding coach has a safe passage. They would run in front of the carriage, barking loudly, so that everybody who was in the way could run to safety before they got trampled over by the horses pulling the coach. Horses are naturally afraid of fire, so the presence of Dalmatians helped them muster the courage to approach a burning building. 

Dalmatians were useful in other ways as well—they used to kill the rats and other vermin that infested the fire-fighting stations. Eventually, with the invention of the automobile, the role of Dalmatians was reduced to loyal companions and fire-fighting mascots.

Today, they’re still sometimes seen around horses, but they’re usually kept as companions. Their popularity skyrocketed with Disney’s 101 Dalmatians but fell immediately after. Dalmatians are not a breed for a suburban family or a hipster condo—they were bred to run along with horses on long journeys, and, while the horses were swapped to keep them rested, the dogs were not. They have incredible amounts of energy and require a lot of exercise, which is not something Disney prepared people for. Crossing them with a less active breed can solve this issue (but it can also not). If you’re a Dal enthusiast, you can check out different Dalmatian mix breeds to see if there is anything that could suit your lifestyle.

Three Reasons Not to Adopt a Dalmachshund

Different people have different needs, and so do different dogs. As a responsible owner, you need to make sure that you can provide everything your dog needs before you even adopt it. A Dachsation is not a dog for everyone. Here are three reasons not to adopt one.

  1. You’re not the boss of them!
  2. They won’t get along with your other pets.
  3. They need a lot of exercise.

You’re Not the Boss of Them!

If you’re a first-time dog owner, the dog is going to own you. They won’t recognize your authority, and will only obey to (ironically) throw you a proverbial bone. They are smart enough to understand what it is you want from them, but they will never actually do it if they have another idea. If you’re not well-versed in the art of dog training, this is not a dog for you.

They Won’t Get Along With Your Other Pets

Aside from horses and other Dalmatians, the Dal in your Dalmachshund won’t get along with any other animals. Your Dachsation will try to rid you of the vermin that are hamsters, guinea pigs, and other rodents. They’ll try to chase your cat away, and will plot the best way to get rid of your parrot. They won’t even get on well with other dogs unless the Doxie genes are prevalent, and even then, it might be a stretch. If you already have a household full of pets, find a different cross.

They Need a Lot of Exercise

These little buddies are incredibly active and will need you to get up and exercise with them. If you know you’re a couch potato, you should find a dog that doesn’t require the level of activity typical for Dachsations.

Three Reasons to Adopt a Dachsation

A Dachshund Dalmatian mix can make a terrific companion, provided you don’t have other pets, are an active person, and know what you’re doing in terms of dog training. Here are three reasons to adopt this adorable breed.

  1. They mind their own business most of the time.
  2. They usually get along with people.
  3. They make fantastic watchdogs.

They Mind Their Own Business Most of the Time

If you don’t like clingy dogs, this is the perfect choice for you. A Dachsation will love you dearly and be fiercely loyal to you and your family, but they don’t need attention in a way a Poodle or a Maltese do. They are likely to leave you to your own devices and, aside from wanting to be in the same room as you, probably won’t get too needy.

They Usually Get Along with People

If not socialized appropriately, these pups can become aggressive. If you pay attention to early socialization, you shouldn’t have any problems whatsoever. They love their people and will be more than happy to meet your friends and family. If you’re a social person, they are not likely to bother any guests you bring home. Here’s one Dachshund fact—even Picasso was in love with this adorable breed.

They Make Fantastic Watch Dogs

Both parent breeds love to bark and are naturally protective and suspicious of strangers. The silent dignity of the Dal tampers (to an extent) the Doxies’ tendency to bark at silly things, so you’re not likely to get many false alarms. This cross makes incredible watchdogs. 

The Looks and Charm of a Dachshund Dalmatian Cross

Dachshund dalmatian mix: cruella de vil's almost-pet-companion

Source: daddy_the_dope_dog

It’s always a bit of a gamble with crossbreeds. You can never know what they’ll get from each parent, and it’s the same for the Dalmachshund. They’ll typically inherit the Doxie shape, though. Their bodies might be a bit shorter, and their legs a bit longer. This might not be what you were going for, but it can certainly help prevent IVDD and hip dysplasia, which are common among Dachshunds and Dachshund mixes. 

Their coat is usually a mix of their parents’. Dachsations with purely Dal’s or Doxie’s coats are rare, but the combination of the two is common (and super cute). Their ears will be large and floppy, and the head and face shape can go both ways, but usually takes more from the Doxie part.

Both parent breeds are loyal and dependable, so you can count on your pooch at all times. They’ll love you dearly, but the Dal part in them might not be as affectionate as you’d hope. Both breeds are independent and determined, which can create a lot of issues when it comes to training. Their prey drive is high, so you shouldn’t put a Dalmachshund in the same space as small pets. You can expect your pooch to be active and playful, and, if their exercise needs aren’t met, they can get quite destructive.

Without proper training, this cross can become temperamental and aggressive. If you’re a rookie, don’t adopt this cross. If you have already fallen in love with a Dachsation pup, start training early, and seek professional help and guidance if you need to.

Weight 13–43 pounds
Height 10–15 inches
Size Medium
Coat type
  • Short (can be longer if the Dachshund parent is longhaired)
  • Sparse to normal
  • Straight (can be wiry if the Dachshund parent is longhaired or wirehaired)
Coat color
  • Black
  • Cream
  • Isabella
  • Sable
  • Brown
  • Brindle
  • Red
  • Pied
  • Spotted
Shedding Moderate to high
  • Black
  • Brown
  • Hazel
  • Blue
  • Black
  • Brown
Ears Large and floppy
Temperament Affectionate, energetic, smart
Life expectancy 12–14 years
Hypoallergenic No
Kid-friendly No
New owner friendly No
Breed recognition Not recognized as a breed by the AKC

How Active is the Dalmatian Dachshund Mix?

Depending on their dominant genes, your pooch may require moderate to high levels of activity per day. Dalmatians are incredibly active, and if your buddy has inherited the Dal’s energy, you’ll need about 90 minutes of exercise per day. The problem can arise if these energy levels come in combination with the Doxie body shape. Too much exercise can harm their joints and spine, so make sure you adapt the playtime to your dog’s shape and abilities.

If they have inherited the Dachshund parent’s energy, you’ll need about 60 minutes of exercise per day. In any case, split the time into thirds, and use it for two walks and one play session.

Activity level Recommended miles/day Activity minutes/day
Moderate to high 10 60–90

What Are the Food Requirements for the Dachshund Dalmatian Mix?

Dachshund dalmatian mix: cruella de vil's almost-pet-companion

Source: penelopeandparker

Even though Dachshund mixes usually tend to gain weight incredibly quickly, this particular cross is—to a degree—exempt from this rule. The high energy levels that Dachsations boast ensures that all the extra calories will be used productively. That being said, you should avoid overfeeding them, just in case. One and a half to two and a half cups of dry food per day should be enough for your pooch. Split the daily portion into two meals, and make sure you always buy highest-quality food. 

If your buddy has inherited the Doxie size, check out our list of best dry dog food for small dogs. If they prefer wet food, choose among these best canned dog food brands. Always account for the dog’s age—puppies and elderly dogs shouldn’t eat the same food. If your little fellow is among the latter, take a look at these best senior dry dog food brands.

Our favorite brands for the Doxie Dalmation cross are:

  • Wellness Core® Natural Grain Free Dry Dog Food. With any Dachshund mix, bones and joints tend to pose a health risk. This food is rich in calcium and phosphorus. Both of these substances improve bone health, so this brand is an excellent choice for Dachsations.
  • Ollie Healthy Turkey Feast Fresh Dog Food. This food is made of the highest-quality ingredients. It includes first-grade meat, fruits and veggies, and even superfoods like chia seeds that are rich in Omega 3 fatty acids. It’s one of the best things you can serve to your buddy.
  • Merrick Grain-Free Puppy Real Chicken & Sweet Potato Recipe Dry. If your pup is still so green that it poops grass, you need to adapt their diet to their age. This brand is a great choice because it uses the best quality ingredients, and it’s full of nutrients necessary for growth. 

You are what you eat, and so is your Dachsation. If you want to keep them happy and healthy, avoid these worst dry dog food and worst dog treat brands—your pooch will thank you for it.

Are There Any Health Issues Connected to the Dalmatian Dachshund Cross?

You can never be entirely sure that the dog you’re about to adopt won’t suffer from a disease down the road. Every dog is an individual, and, while there’s a common belief that crossbreeds are healthier than purebred dogs, your Dachsation can easily inherit any breed-typical disease that their parents had. Here are the most typical problems with this cross.

  1. Intervertebral disc disease. This is a typical back problem for any Doxie mix. The cushioning discs between your dog’s spinal bones slip inward and start pressing on the dog’s spinal nerve. You can’t miss it if it happens—it’s painful for your pooch, and they’ll let you know that they’re not okay. If they’re moving in a way that seems unnatural to you, show any signs of discomfort, start pulling their hind legs, or start avoiding going to the loo, schedule a vet appointment immediately. If untreated, IVDD can cause complete paralysis, so take it seriously and deal with it on time.
  2. Deafness. Your beloved pooch may go deaf as a result of a trauma, loud noise, earwax buildup, or an inherent flaw. If a sudden noise fails to wake your dog up, or they don’t respond to your call until they see you, take them to the vet to check their ears.
  3. Hip dysplasia. If the ball and the socket of a hip don’t fit together smoothly, they’ll rub and grind against each other. This anomaly will eventually lead to severe deterioration of the entire hip, which can be quite painful for your little guy or girl. If you notice that they don’t use their hind legs as they used to, try to hop instead of walking, refuse to jump, go up the stairs, or run, or just seem much lazier in general—visit the vet and check the hips.

Less frequent health issues that usually come from the Dachshund side are skin problems and seizures. The Doxie owners need to take proper care of their beautiful pooch and thus lengthen their lifespan. Dachshund heritage can also be susceptible to some of these issues, so observe your pup closely. In case you notice that your hairy child suffers from dry skin, think about changing their diet.

Preventive tests can help you discover many issues before they go too far. Make sure you take your dog to the vet at least once a year, even if nothing seems wrong. In the best case, you’ll have the peace of mind, knowing that your beloved bud is just fine. In the worst case, this practice can help you manage the problem while you can.

Major concerns Minor concerns Occasional tests
  • Intervertebral disc disease
  • Deafness
  • Hip dysplasia
  • Eye-related problems
  • Bloat
  • Kidney stone
  • Dalmatian bronzing syndrome
  • Physical examination 
  • Eye examination
  • X-Rays
  • Blood and urine tests
  • Hearing tests

Are Dalmachshunds Difficult to Train?

Dachshund dalmatian mix: cruella de vil's almost-pet-companion

Source: tazzletizzle

Yes, they are. Even though both parent breeds are highly intelligent, they don’t seem to care what you want them to do. They’ll obey when it suits them, and when it doesn’t, well… Why would your desires be more important than theirs? 

If you’ve ever tried to explain something to a toddler that went all “Why? Why? Why?” on you, you should get the idea of what it’s like to live with a Dalmachshund. If you don’t have any experience with dog training, avoid this cross. Even if you do, you might need professional help to make your dog behave the way you want it to. Dachshund training can be extremely difficult, especially Dachshund potty training. Their mixes can inherit their stubbornness, so either inform yourself well on these guys’ personalities and prepare a stock of treats and gifts, or seek help!

How Much Grooming Does a Dachsation Need?

The grooming needs depend on your pooch’s dominant genes. Dalmatians shed like crazy, and Dachshunds only moderately, so you’ll need to prepare for that. If they inherited a Dal coat, you’ll need to brush them daily. If they take after their Doxie parent, you may not have to use the brush more frequently than once or twice a month. Usually, though, it’ll fall somewhere in between.

Taking care of their ears is imperative because Dals have a genetic preposition for deafness. Check for earwax buildup once or twice a week and clean their ears with a gentle cleaning solution. Use cotton balls rather than cotton buds for safety reasons.

Clip their nails as needed—usually once or twice a month—and brush their teeth daily. If you can’t go through with your dog’s oral hygiene needs, find some tasty dental chews, and you’ll be able to get away with brushing two times a week. Check out our top 10 best dog dental chews, and make sure your dog’s gums stay healthy. For more info on dog grooming, follow our best dog grooming tips.

Brushing frequency Brushes for Dalmatian Dachshund Mix
  • Slicker brush
  • Deshedder
  • Nail clippers

Are Dachshund Dalmatian Mix Pups Good Family Pets?

Dachshund dalmatian mix: cruella de vil's almost-pet-companion

Source: yazzyhatescats

Because they tend to suffer from separation anxiety, Dalmatian Dachshund cross dogs can benefit from living in a multiple-people household. However, they don’t have the patience for little children and shouldn’t be expected to play well with them. Of course, every dog has a distinct personality, and your Dachsation can easily be an exception to this rule. Generally speaking, though, they’ll do well with teenagers and maybe even elementary school-age children, but don’t hope they’ll adore your baby or a toddler, especially if you don’t have the time to exercise them properly. If you have young children, find a more docile dog.

FAQs – Dachshund Dalmatian Mix

1. How big do Dalmatians get?

Dalmatians are a medium to large breed, with males typically standing between 22 to 24 inches at the shoulder, and females between 20 to 22 inches. They generally weigh between 45 to 70 pounds.

2. Cane Corso Dalmatian Mix

A Cane Corso Dalmatian Mix is a crossbreed between a Cane Corso and a Dalmatian. This mix may inherit traits from both parent breeds, resulting in a dog with a unique combination of size, temperament, and appearance.

3. Dalmatian Cane Corso Mix

Similarly, a Dalmatian Cane Corso Mix is a hybrid dog bred from a Dalmatian and a Cane Corso. The mix may display a variety of characteristics influenced by both parent breeds.

4. Why are Dalmatians associated with firefighters?

Dalmatians are often associated with firefighters due to their historical role as carriage dogs. In the past, they were commonly used to accompany fire trucks and horses. Their agility, energy, and distinctive appearance made them valuable companions, and they became symbolic of firehouses.

5. What kind of dog does Cruella have?

In various adaptations of the story, Cruella de Vil, the infamous character from “101 Dalmatians,” is portrayed as having Dalmatians. In the original animated movie by Disney, she owns a large group of Dalmatians known for their distinctive black-and-white spots.

Check Out These Other Cute Dachshund Mixes

For all those Dalmatian fans, here’s our list of Dalmatian mixes, where you can find lots of adorable Dalma cuties. If you adore Doxies and really want them in the mix, but you’re not entirely sure that a Dalmachshund is the right choice, don’t worry—we come prepared. Check out these Dachshund mixes, and you’ll find the right match in no time.

Dachshund Pug mix Dachshund Lab mix Dachshund Beagle mix
Dachshund Golden Retriever mix Dachshund Pitbull mix Dachshund Corgi mix
Chihuahua Dachshund mix Jack Russell Dachshund mix Dachshund Poodle mix
Dachshund Yorkie mix German Shepherd Dachshund mix Dachshund Terrier mix
Pomeranian Dachshund mix Cocker Spaniel Dachshund mix Shih Tzu Dachshund mix
Min Pin Dachshund mix Basset Hound Dachshund mix Dachshund Husky mix
Maltese Dachshund mix Dachshund Dalmatian mix Australian Shepherd Dachshund mix
Border Collie Dachshund mix Rottweiler Dachshund mix Doberman Dachshund mix
Papillon Dachshund mix Rat Terrier Dachshund mix Italian Greyhound Dachshund mix
Bulldog Dachshund mix Blue Heeler Dachshund mix Boxer Dachshund mix
Great Dane Dachshund mix French Bulldog Dachshund mix Weimaraner Dachshund mix
Dachshund Boston Terrier mix Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Dachshund mix Cairn Terrier Dachshund mix
Shiba Inu Dachshund mix Dachshund Bichon mix Pekingese Dachshund mix
Schnauzer Dachshund mix English Cream Dachshund


  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dachshund
  2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dalmatian_(dog)
  3. https://www.quora.com/What-are-some-things-you-should-know-before-getting-a-Dalmatian
  4. Sauvé, Christopher P., et al. “Oronasal and Oroantral Fistulas Secondary to Periodontal Disease: A Retrospective Study Comparing the Prevalence Within Dachshunds and a Control Group.” Journal of Veterinary Dentistry, vol. 36, no. 4, 2019, pp. 236–244., doi:10.1177/0898756420909657.
  5. Beauchesne, Ryan. Crusoe, the Celebrity Dachshund: Adventures of the Wiener Dog Extraordinaire. St. Martins Griffin, 2015.
  6. Strand, Patti, and Rod Strand. The Dalmatian: an Owners Guide to a Happy Healthy Pet. Howell Book House.Howell Book House, 2007.

80% of Dogs Develop Arthritis or Joint Pain by 7 Years old – Here’s How to Protect Them

Most of us train our dogs when they are puppies to jump up on furniture.  We think it’s harmless (and easier than always lifting them), but for dogs, couches and beds are very high compared to the size of their bodies.

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