White German Shepherd | Alexander City, AL
Coat Length
CurrentGood in Home With
Others Dogs
Meet Claus
This is a courtesy post. Helping Shepherds of Every Color Rescue does not have this dog. If you are interested in Claus, please contact Krista at [email protected]. The shelter rated his playground assessment as "PG1-Social DG for gentle and dainty, he approached others for sniffs and socializing at his own pace. Took things slow with others and also enjoyed staying to himself." I have 3 dogs and they have been fine. My 10 year old male GSD is not a fan so we have been keeping them separate, I think that is a jealously thing over me though. But we do not own any cats, kids or chickens lol. I think he would do fine though. He has a calm demeanor and is a very good listener. He obviously had some very thorough training somewhere in his life. We have some neighborhood cats that we feed and have a little outdoor house for and he has seen them while on walks and hasn't paid them any mind, but they are feral so none of the cats let us get very close. If I am around, he doesn't care about anything else so I think he is just happy to please his human companion. He is also heartworm negative and is on flea/tick & heartworm preventative. Claus is about 6 yrs old, perhaps a little younger. Claus is located in Panama City, Florida.
Adoption Process
Adotpion application, reference and vet reference check, home visit, adoption contract, adoption fee (amount varies depending on the animal).
Helping Shepherds of Every Color
[email protected]
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