Poodle (Standard) | Bridgeport, AL
Age : 10 MonthsYoungMaleLargeSoft-Coated Wheaten Terrier
affectionate apartment cratetrained eagerToPlease eventempered gentle doesWellInCar goofy hypoallergenic intelligent leashtrained noCold noHeat obedient oKForSeniors oKWithFarmAnimals playful playsToys
Coat Length
CurrentActivity Level
Moderately ActiveEnergy Level
ModerateHouse Trained
YesGood in Home With
Others DogsCatsChildren
Adoption Fees
$325Meet Benji
Benji is a 9 month old, 68 pound Doodle but we do not what he is mixed with. He is super sweet and loving. He gets along well with other dogs and cats. He is house broke and likes to go into a crate to take a nap. He has been around chickens, ducks, geese, sheep, goats and rabbits and does very well with them. Benji was a stray that showed up at his foster moms neighbors house and when they ran him off he started sleeping in the garage with cats, kittens and a few chickens and ducks. All he wanted was for some to care for him and love him. Benji went to the groomers and he did very well! He will need regular grooming for his soft thick hair. To adopt please visit our website @ to fill out an application. Once the application is received Benji's foster mom will process the app and make all the necessary calls. Once that is done she will be in touch with you. We will not answer any questions until application is processed. Adoption fee is $325
Adoption Process
Donation requests vary depending on the vetting costs of the pup. Never more than $325.00 . We do a comprehensive application, a vet reference check and a home visit for every dog, and only work with other groups that feel that same sense of responsibility.
Furever Friends of the South K9 Rescue
[email protected]
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