Herman Hipster
German Shepherd Dog | Butler County, AL
Age : 3 Years 6 MonthsAdultMaleLargeBlack with Brown, Red, Golden, Orange or Chestnut
affectionate eagerToPlease goofy
Coat Length
CurrentActivity Level
Moderately ActiveEnergy Level
ModerateGood in Home With
Others Dogs
Meet Herman Hipster
All of our dogs are housed in private homes, we do not have a store or a shelter. We do not show dogs to interested parties until they have an approved adoption application. If you are interested in adopting one of our dogs, please fill out an adoption application on our website www.helpingshepherdsofeverycolor.com/adoption-application You may also find us on facebook: Helping Shepherds of Every Color Rescue. Update: 3/1/25: Herman has started his heartworm treatment. If all goes well he will be ready for adoption around the beginning of April. Herman is a very busy dog and he is still always hungry. He will snatch anything in your hand because he thinks it's food. His favorite toy is an empty gallon water jug. He is very sweet, he just needs to adjust to home life. Herman would greatly benefit from some training, he is very strong on a leash. He loves to ride in the car. Herman would probably chase a cat, he saw one while I was walking him and immediately tried to go toward it. He wants to go after anything that moves. 9/11/24 Herman Hipster is emaciated, Heartworm Positive, and he has open sores. In spite of that he has a sweet temperament. As soon as we get his sores healed and get him back to a good weight he will be treated for Heartworms.
Adoption Process
Adotpion application, reference and vet reference check, home visit, adoption contract, adoption fee (amount varies depending on the animal).
Helping Shepherds of Every Color
[email protected]
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