Florida Boxer Rescue, Inc.

Our organization has been in existence since the mid 1990's and we incorporated in 2000. We have rescued and rehomed over 4,500 Boxer dogs. We are an all volunteer organization.

Crestview, FL,32536
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Website: http://flbr.org

Norah F24-014

Boxer | Escambia County, AL

Age : 5 Years 3 MonthsAdultFemaleFawn


House Trained


Good in Home With

Others DogsCatsChildren

Adoption Fees


Meet Norah F24-014

BONDED PAIR WITH MARLEE 5/24/2024 -  Meet our bonded, boxer pair, Norah, 4 yo (5 in June), and Marlee, 5yo. Norah and Marlee came into rescue by owner surrender.  Norah and Marlee share the same father but different mothers and they are 6 months apart in age.  They have only ever been with one another, and they cannot be separated, however having both of them really is the same as having one pup.  They are each other’s ying and yang.  Where one goes, the other follows and when one eats, the other eats.  When one goes to bed, the other one goes to bed too.  And they do, in fact, put themselves to bed...in YOUR bed.  Both Norah and Marlee are great with children of all ages and with other dogs of all sizes.  The foster family has two children, ages 8 and 11, and a 10-year-old French Bulldog and they have done very well in the home.  Norah and Marlee would do well in a home with other dogs.  Cats are unknown.  Norah and Marlee are also submissive and perfectly ok with not being the alpha of the pack.  They do well with children but know that Boxers like to box when they play so care needs to be taken with small children that aren’t familiar with the way 70-pound boxers play. Norah loves toys and loves to play with them.  She will dig down to the very bottom of the toy basket just to find her favorite toy…which is the always the toy at the bottom of the basket.  She gives great boxer hugs, and she thinks she’s a lap dog.  She will crawl up on your lap and steal all the pets that you’re willing to give her.  Marlee has mastered the “Boxer Lean” and will steal any of the leftover pets that weren’t given to Norah.  Marlee loves to box when he plays.  He will also place his paw on you ever so gently when he wants attention and welcomes you with the best wiggle butt action any time you walk in the door.  He’s a late riser in the mornings and loves his beauty sleep.  Their favorite activity is lounging around and holding the couch down so it doesn’t blow away.  They both love to be with their humans and love to play when they get their spurts of energy.  Norah and Marlee are the best snugglers and cuddlers and they really are the most chill boxers.   Norah can be a little nervous in new surroundings, especially when Marlee is not around.  With some positive reinforcement and lots of rewards, she becomes more trusting rather quickly.  Marlee likes to rummage through the bathroom trash can when he gets bored.  With keeping more toys out and closing the bathroom door, the issue is easily resolved.  The foster family has been working with them on manners, especially at the kitchen table during dinner time.  While they’re not thrilled, Norah and Marlee are now getting the hint that the food on the kitchen table is only for humans and not for them.    Both Boxers are potty trained.  They will go to the back door and wait patiently to be let out.  They have their potty routine down and they are like clockwork.  Basic commands of sit, stay and down are known.  They will even give the occasional “paw”.  Norah and Marlee don’t mind baths, nail trims, ear cleanings as long as they’re followed up with lots of pets and cuddles.  They love to go on walks and take in all the sights and smells.  Marlee is awesome on the leash.  Norah pulls slightly but has been making great progress to ease up while on walks with her foster family.  They have gone on many car rides, which they truly love, and have taken numerous trips to Pet Supermarket where they were treated like celebrities, and they loved every moment of it.  It is unknown if they are crate trained.  While living with their foster family, they are kept in the living room while they’re home alone and they are found in the same spot they were left in when the family comes home.    Norah and Marlee are in overall good health.  No fleas, ticks and tested negative for heartworm.  Both are updated on vaccines including Bordetella.  Marlee has sensitive skin and will need to be kept on allergy medication (Apoquel or Cytopoint injections) throughout his lifetime.  The cost for this medication can be anywhere from $135 - $165 per month.  Allergies can also be managed with oatmeal baths and a good diet but it’s best to plan on a consistent allergy medication regimen to help Marlee feel at his best.    Norah and Marlee would do great in any type of home.  They have both mastered the stairs so a multi-level home would be okay for them.  If you have a pool, Norah loves to get in it, but she cannot swim.  She just loves to sit on the sundeck or be held in the water.  Marlee wants nothing to do with a pool, or at least he has not shown any interest while staying with his foster family.  A fenced yard IS required for their safety as they love to run around and play.  A shared-walled living situation would be okay for them as they are overall quiet dogs unless they’re announcing the arrival of the lawn service or the postal service.  Norah and Marlee are people’s Boxers; they would love to go anywhere and everywhere with their family.  They would thrive in an overall active home where all family members would be involved in their everyday care and attention. They are overall happy, playful pups who thrive with a routine.  Norah and Marlee are very eager to please, love to be snuggled and cuddled, and just want to be around their family at all times! They are just the sweetest!   If you feel like your family might be the perfect forever home for both Norah and Marlee, please submit an adoption application for them today. Evaluation Hold - 5/15/2024 - Norah is under our mandatory evaluation period, and is not available for adoption at this time. The foster home will have the opportunity to adopt once the evaluation period is complete.  If you would like to be a back-up applicant for Norah, please complete an application at:   http://flbr.org/application-form/.  Please also take a look at her available boxer friends as we get to know her better. 

Adoption Process
Applicant applies to adopt. Volunteers does a vet check to make sure all current or previous animals are UTD on shots, HW prevention and spayed or neutered. We also ask the vet/vet tech if s/he believes the applicant should have a boxer. Then we do a property check to make sure the applicant owns his/her home or that the landlord is OK with the applicant having a boxer. If there is a HOA or COA then we make sure that Boxers are OK. Then we call the applicant for a phone interview. If the phone interview goes well then we do a home interview. If that goes well the applicant is approved to adopt one of boxers and everyone will go meet the dog(s) they're interested in adopting. Once they find the right match they sign a contract and pay the adoption fee. The adoption fees range in price depending upon the age of the dog. The adoption fee is decided by the Board of Directors if the boxer is under a year old(it largely depends on the vetting costs). A year to 6 years is $250, and dogs over seven have a $175 adoption fee. If we ever get boxer mixes, those dogs have a $150 adoption fee.

Florida Boxer Rescue, Inc.

Look for other dogs for adoption!

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