Chihuahua | Escambia County, AL
Age : 11 Years 11 MonthsSeniorFemaleSmallFox Terrier
affectionate cratetrained doesWellInCar hasAllergies lap leashtrained olderKidsOnly
Coat Length
ShortActivity Level
Slightly ActiveHouse Trained
YesGood in Home With
Others DogsCatsChildren
Adoption Fees
250Meet Wheezy
Wheezy is a chihuahua/fox terrier mix, who is12 years young. She is looking for a lap to call her own. She does have some separation anxiety so someone who is home more would be ideal. She is absolutely perfect with other dogs but not a requirement, as she doesn't pay them much attention. We are unsure how she is with cats, but due to her laid back attitude, we don't anticipate it to be a problem. She is great on a leash and loves to explore the yard as long as her person isn't too far. Favorite thing ever is napping on a lap, chair, or dog bed. Will sleep in the big bed if you let her but will jump off. So caution is needed since she is older. She thinks she’s a cat but never lands on her feet. She will sleep in a kennel with a soft bed and blankets if needed. Wheezy is a true princess. The perfect little lady when she’s out and about on the town. With her blanket under paw she sits patiently in the buggy or dog stroller for a shopping trip or brunch on the patio of local restaurants. Older children only. She’s a delicate and petite girl. Soft food preferred as she doesn't have many teeth left. Housebroken, but does territory mark at first, because well she's a princess and everyone must know. Included in each adoption: age appropriate shots, microchip, and spay/neuter surgery. Prior to meeting or adopting any of our wonderful animals, we ask that you please fill out our online application: https://form.jotform.com/223268341300041 We are a 100% volunteer organization and have to work other jobs to pay the bills. Please give us up to 48 hours to respond. Submission of an adoption application does not obligate you to adopt nor does it guarantee approval. We look forward to hearing from you. We are located in Pensacola, Fl. Local applications considered first, but will consider out of state applications if transport can be arranged.
Adoption Process
Completion of adoption application followed by online and telephone screening. Home visit and signing of a contract which states animals will be a indoor family pet.
Rosalie and Friends
[email protected]
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