Fila Brasileiro | Fairfield, AL
Age : 7 Years 5 MonthsAdultFemaleX-LargeBlack
affectionate eagerToPlease eventempered gentle doesWellInCar intelligent leashtrained obedient olderKidsOnly playful playsToys protective
Coat Length
CurrentActivity Level
Moderately ActiveEnergy Level
ModerateHouse Trained
YesGood in Home With
Adoption Fees
$100Meet Tiana
Tiana is a sweet girl who is just learning how to be around other dogs. She is cautious but warms to people pretty quickly. I can tell she WANTS a playmate, so we are working on making that happen. She doesn't make any offensive moves at all but is defensive when touched by another dog. She does recover herself right away once she realizes it was an innocent move on the other dog's part. She is great with older children but doesn't realize her size when small ones are around.
Adoption Process
Contract, home check, $400 fee, fenced yard, home ownership, prior Fila experience preferred
Fila 911 Rescue and Rehab
(205) 300-0039
[email protected]
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