Wags of Monroe County

I’m a longtime volunteer for Friends of Homeless Animals,, Rhode Island, and about two years ago I began working directly with a woman in rural Mississippi who runs a rescue called Wags. Now I exclusively help her

Okolona, Ms,38860
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Email: [email protected]

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Catahoula Leopard Dog | Hamilton, AL

Age : 2 YearsBabyFemaleMediumPlott Hound



affectionate cratetrained eagerToPlease eventempered gentle doesWellInCar intelligent playful playsToys

Coat Length


Activity Level

Slightly Active

Energy Level


Good in Home With

Others DogsCatsChildren

Adoption Fees


Meet Gretel

    adoption donation : $699 weight 34 lbs Age 5 months as of 3/24           Sweet  Gretel and her three sisters, Eva, Schatzi and Freya, were left in the driveway at the Wags rescue in Mississippi, an all too common occurrence. At first we consider them shepherd mixes, but in a dog scanning app, they appear to be more Catahoula leopard dogs with plott hound—definitely mixes of several medium size breeds.     The puppies have been having a grand time playing together and snuggling in a puppy pile to nap. They have all been spayed and given their vaccines and are ready for loving homes. All of the girls are around 35 pounds, they were born in late October. They are friendly and loving and will make great family dogs.    Wags is a struggling 501(c) 3 where one woman in rural Mississippi takes care of about 150 homeless and stray dogs.  Adoption donations are the only source of funding for the rescue. Adoption fee includes the transport from Mississippi, vaccines, microchip and spay and neuter at one of the clinics we use. For more information on adopting Gretel or any of our Wags dogs please email [email protected]    

Adoption Process
we have an adoption application and require a deposit while we check references, we do home visits or ask for videos, and FaceTime if we’re not able to get to the home.

Wags of Monroe County
[email protected]

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