Basset Hound | Steele, AL
Age : 6 Years 11 MonthsAdultFemaleMediumRedbone Coonhound
affectionate apartment cratetrained eagerToPlease eventempered gentle doesWellInCar goofy intelligent leashtrained obedient oKForSeniors playful
Coat Length
CurrentActivity Level
Moderately ActiveEnergy Level
ModerateHouse Trained
YesGood in Home With
Others DogsCatsChildren
Adoption Fees
$250Meet Hannah
Hannah is a 6 year old Hound mix! She is a wonderful girl that is well behaved, calm and is an around easy girl! She has lots of excess skin and her snout is slightly crooked probably as a deformity from birth but this dos not affect her and makes her look as unique as her personality! She is an amazing girl that was rescued from a hoarding situation of about 17 dogs and puppies. Quite a few have gone to their forever homes but there are still several looking for their's. We believe Hannah was the matriarch of the group and a few of the remaining dogs we believe to be her daughters. Hannah was one of many that were heartworm positive and since coming to the rescue she has been treated and is heartworm negative! She is learning manners at the rescue including leash walking, crate training and is HOUSEBROKEN!!!! She is spayed, fully vaccinated and dewormed! Her adoption fee is $250.
Adoption Process
Application, Meet-N-Greet (including other dogs if dog adoption), Fee start at $100 cats & $200 Dogs. Spay/Neuter Contract if too young at time of adoption.
Rose Acres Rescue
(256) 738-8574
[email protected]
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