Labrador Retriever | Sulligent, AL
Age : 6 Years 1 MonthAdultFemaleMediumBlack
affectionate eagerToPlease eventempered gentle doesWellInCar intelligent olderKidsOnly playful playsToys
Coat Length
ShortActivity Level
Slightly ActiveEnergy Level
LowHouse Trained
YesGood in Home With
Others DogsChildren
Adoption Fees
599Meet Sadie
adoption donation : $499 weight 65lbs Age approx 6 years Sweet Sadie was the much loved dog of an older woman in Mississippi who passed away last year leaving Sadie and another dog with no place to go. They ended up at Wags and Sadie’s lifelong buddy was quickly adopted, leaving Sadie alone. Fortunately, she has made tons of friends at the rescue! She loves other dogs and her tail never stops wagging. Sadie is such a sweet girl! She is friendly to everyone she meets, and loves to follow her Foster Mom around. She’s good with other dogs, but she will chase cats, be forewarned! Sadie is house trained at the rescue but will likely need a refresher as she adapts to a new home. Wags is a struggling 501(c) 3 where one woman in rural Mississippi takes care of about 150 homeless and stray dogs. Adoption donations are the only source of funding for the rescue. Adoption fee includes the transport from Mississippi, vaccines, microchip and spay and neuter at one of the clinics we use. For more information on adopting Sadie or any of our Wags dogs please email [email protected]
Adoption Process
we have an adoption application and require a deposit while we check references, we do home visits or ask for videos, and FaceTime if weâre not able to get to the home.
Wags of Monroe County
[email protected]
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