Hound | Gosnell, AR
Age : 1 Year 3 MonthsAdultFemaleLargeWhite
affectionate cratetrained fetches doesWellInCar goofy hearingImpaired leashtrained playful playsToys sightImpaired
Coat Length
CurrentActivity Level
Highly ActiveEnergy Level
HighHouse Trained
YesGood in Home With
Others DogsCatsChildren
Adoption Fees
75.00Meet Helen
Helen is a very sweet loving dog she is very active and needs a fenced in yard to run and paly in. Helen is very special; Helen is deaf and has some vision issues. She can still see and play like a normal dog. She gets along well with cats and other dogs off all ages. She loves toys but needs heavy duty toys to chew on. Helen is potty trained and knows how to ring bells hanging on the door. She loves to be next to you when sitting and watching tv.
Adoption Process
Adoption Fees:
$50 for cats
$50 for rabbits when we have them
$75 for dogs
An adoption contract must be signed upon adoption
All adoption pets will be spayed/neutered and fully vaccinated before being adopted.
My Zouy Rescue
(870) 857-5050
[email protected]
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