Samoyed Rescue of Southern California, Inc.

The mission of Samoyed Rescue of Southern California is to provide sustenance, medical evaluation/treatment and shelter for stray or owner-surrendered Samoyed breed dogs until appropriate permanent homes are arranged. No salaries are paid and there are no employees. All labor is voluntary from club members.

Sierra Madre, CA,91024
Get directions

Email: [email protected]

Phone Number: (714) 956-6180

Website: https://www,


| Chatsworth, CA

Age : 9 Years 11 MonthsSeniorMaleMedium



affectionate eagerToPlease eventempered leashtrained obedient

Coat Length


Good in Home With

Others DogsChildren


This little fella is impossible not to love. His zest for life is contagious, and he has a way of making every person he meets feel special. It’s been two months since Tiger joined us, and every single day he reminds us just how happy he is to simply LIVE! Tiger came from a situation of severe neglect. Sometimes, it’s hard not to feel angry about the time he lost. But Tiger? He doesn’t waste a second on the past. Every day, he wakes up with joy in his heart, ready for his morning walk, his cozy bed, wobbly play sessions with his pals, bird watching in the backyard, and as many head scratches as he can get. His health journey is still unfolding, and while we’re taking things one day at a time, we’re celebrating every little victory - like his growing strength and his fluff slowly coming back! If you think you might like to give this guy a forever home for his remaining Golden Years, please apply and reach out!

Adoption Process
We ask for written applications, donations, home checks, phone screens, meetings and an executed adoption contract.

Samoyed Rescue of Southern California, Inc.
(714) 956-6180
[email protected]

Look for other dogs for adoption!

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