Pawsitive Connections Inc

Pawsitive Connections Inc, is a no-kill, 501(c)3 nonprofit dog and cat rescue. We adopt out approximately 300 dogs per year in addition to permanently supporting non adoptable dogs who for either behavioral or medical reasons stay with the sanctuary. We feed a feral cat colony and adopt out a few litters a year. Based out of Kingsburg, CA, we travel on Saturdays from Kingsburs to hold adoption events in San Jose. The Central Valley is a hot spot for homeless pets and by traveling outside our immediate area we give them a better chance of getting adopted. We have made the trip nearly every Saturday for the last 10 years. Founded in the Spring of 2010, we provide the service of quarantining and/or fostering dogs while following appropriate vaccination schedules, as well as providing any other necessary medical care or treatment. All our animals are also micro chipped and spayed/neutered prior to adoption. As an independent rescue, we partner with Central Valley animal shelters. These shelters are often inundated with dogs, especially large breed adult dogs who have a higher risk of being euthanized due to lack of space in shelters. We are not breed or size specific and pull whatever we have room for, puppies to seniors. Presently, many of our large breed adult dogs we have pulled spend many months and sometimes even years with us due to lack of interest. Large breed adult dogs take more resources to support in general. In addition, we will take on the extra cost of pulling medical case dogs from shelters funds permitting. The shelters often cannot afford treatment and/or lack staff availability to provide the necessary round-the-clock care and lack space for the longer-term recovery time they would need. They would be at greater risk for euthanasia without this intervention from us. Shelters are also often not equipped to house young puppies. In a shelter environment, puppies are at high risk for catching parvo, distemper, and other potentially deadly viruses. We often will get a plea to help with puppies that are at the shelter, and we pick up usually within the day to lessen their exposure at the shelter. We also help the community directly by taking owner surrender dogs space permitting. Another direct impact program we have is the Last Litter Program where we work with individual owners that are having unwanted litters. As part of this program, we spay the mother dog, who remains with the original owner, and then we take in her puppies. If owners have other female dogs, we will often spay those dogs as well. After each dog is medically and behaviorally ready for adoption, we strive to place them in their best forever home.

Fresno, CA,93722
Get directions

Email: [email protected]

Phone Number: (559) 393-1946



Dachshund | Madera, CA



Coat Length




Activity Level

Moderately Active

House Trained


Good in Home With


Meet Meatball

Adoption Process
Fill out pre application on website and set up a meet-and-greet at an adoption event, or make an appointment to meet the dog at our facility in Kingsburg,CA. If it is the right match pay adoption fee and finalize contract Or attend Saturday adoption event at Petsmart Almaden Expressway in San Jose from 11-5, if right match complete adoption contract and pay adoption fee.

Pawsitive Connections Inc
(559) 393-1946
[email protected]

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