Rocky Mountain Collie and Sheltie Rescue, Inc.

Pueblo West, CO,81007
Get directions

Email: [email protected]

Phone Number: (719) 547-4008



Shetland Sheepdog Sheltie | Custer County, CO

Age : 9 MonthsYoungMaleSmallBlack with White



cratetrained doesWellInCar goofy lap needsCompanionAnimal olderKidsOnly playful playsToys timid

Coat Length


Activity Level

Highly Active

Energy Level


House Trained


Good in Home With

Others DogsCatsChildren

Meet Pippin

A COMPLETED APPLICATION IS OUR FIRST STEP TOWARD ANY PLACEMENT.  YOU WILL FIND IT ON OUR WEBSITE AT  WITHOUT THAT INFORMATION, WE HAVE NO PLACE TO START A CONVERSATION ABOUT ANY OF OUR DOGS. Sylvester (aka Little Bit) is a 9-month old, neutered male, bi-black Sheltie.  The nickname of Little Bit has been given to him by his foster mom because he is all of 9# and absolutely the cutest character ever seen.  He is a little shy and cautious at first but before you know it, he will be in your lap and in your heart. Having a Sheltie puppy is a full time job and Sylvester will need lots of time and lots of attention.  He is progressing well in his potty training with gentle reminders.  And some of the things that this guy will need to learn are best taught by another well-socialized dog, perhaps even another Sheltie.  We have no knowledge of any interaction with cats but he is so little that it should not be a problem.  Children over the age of 10 with kind hearts and gentle hands could be his closest friends.  That would depend on the children (or grandchildren). Sylvester is a busy little dude and his energy needs to be channeled appropriately so that the humans and the pup are both tired and happy.  Left to their own devices, a Sheltie puppy could eat every cord in your house, not to make you crazy but just because they are easily distracted.  My almost 2-year-old Sheltie from this same commercial breeder ate a hole in my brand new comforter overnight.  That will teach me to have anything new.  LOL I hope you have read this entire bio and understand the needs of this specific dog.  A perfect match for Sylvester will be an active and young family (people who will be around for 10-12 years), folks with a good-natured, playful dog who can do "zoomies" with him and potential adopters with a securely fenced-in backyard (no invisible fences approved), a fabulous reference from your Veterinarian and a home visit.  If you think our process is too much, we are not the Sheltie Rescue group for you. We are looking forward to hearing from you.    

Adoption Process

Rocky Mountain Collie and Sheltie Rescue, Inc.
(719) 547-4008
[email protected]

Look for other dogs for adoption!

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