Great Pyrenees Rescue and Sanctuary

A Sanctuary for Pyrenees while awaiting AdoptionWho are these folks, and why are they helping these beautiful dogs?This is the puppy that started us on our journey to help these great dogs - NicholeJohn and Linda Kryder started by adopting their first Pyr puppy, & Nichole, in 1992. In learning to live with a little Pyr, they got involved with the Great Pyrenees Club of America, participated in the activities of a regional group and eventually became involved in the group's rescue program. One thing led to another and in 1994 they separated from the club and formed PYRescue. They incorporated and became a nonprofit 501(c)3 in 2011. On an average, they rescued two Pyrs a week, placing over 2500 Pyrenees in new homes over the years.In June of 2015, they finally decided to retire and turned the reins over to new owners and operators Judith Dole and Dr. Michael Heffron, who bought a large property just a few miles northeast of the Kryders in 2014. Michael and Judy built a new facility designed specifically for the needs of these big, beautiful dogs, which can be seen on our Facilities page The Pyrs who are awaiting placement now have a 4 acre fenced pasture to run and play in, 150 square foot indoor/outdoor heated and cooled kennels with large comfy beds and blankets.Tax-deductible donations pay for food, utilities, transportation expenses, and vet bills.Please consider sponsoring a Pyr that we are currently sheltering, or if you would like to make a donation to help these wonderful animals, contact us or use the credit card or Paypal link on our homepage.Our MissionThe mission of PYRescue is to provide for the continuing care and support of all Great Pyrenees in need of assistance through no fault of their own. PYRescue shall continue to provide all necessary care; medical (including spay/neuter without exception), physical and emotional, as required to ensure the placement of every homeless and unwanted Pyrenees that comes to PYRescue in a permanent, happy, and loving home environment suitable to the needs of each Pyrenees. PYRrescue's efforts shall extend throughout Colorado and the surrounding States as needed.

PEYTON, CO,80831
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Email: [email protected]



Great Pyrenees | Elbert County, CO

Age : 6 MonthsYoungFemaleMediumAnatolian Shepherd



affectionate gentle intelligent playful playsToys

Coat Length


Activity Level

Moderately Active

Energy Level


House Trained


Good in Home With

Others DogsChildren

Adoption Fees



Poppy is one of 4 female puppies that were surrendered to PYRescue. The momma dog and 2 adult males were found along a CO highway. The sheriff picked them up and brought them to a former rescuer. The female dog was pregnant when picked up. The rescuer found homes for all but 4 of the puppies, rescuer still has the adults if anyone might be interested. We believe they are a mix of Pyrenees and Anatolian. Momma looks like an Anatolian. These puppies are very sweet and just crave attention. One has been adopted already and another one is pending.  Poppy will grow up to be a big, beautiful girl! Please consider adopting!   Poppy’s adoption fee is $350 plus an additional $150 refundable spay/neuter deposit.    Poppy will need above ground secure fencing, preferably 6 foot. NO UNDERGROUND FENCING, NO EXCEPTIONS!   NO APARTMENTS, CONDOS OR DUPLEXES  

Adoption Process
Adoption Requirements Once a Pyrenees has been released by it's former owner, rescued from a shelter, or been found as a stray, PYRescue accepts all responsibility for their medical care, feeding, grooming, training, and ultimate placement in a new home. All prospective new guardians complete an adoption application and enter into a legally binding contract that specifies the care required for a Pyrenees and provides for reclamation of the Pyrenees by PYRescue if PYRescue ever has reason to feel that the care of the Pyrenees does not meet the PYRescue standard. Under no circumstances is an intact Pyrenees ever released to a new Guardian. All adoptions are followed up on a periodic basis to assure that PYRescue standards are met. All potential new guardians must meet with PYRescue personnel and the Pyrenees considered for adoption. Wherever possible the adoptive Pyrenees and other family dogs are also introduced in neutral territory. In the final analysis, the adoptive Pyrenees must be willing to go with the prospective new guardian. If the Pyrenees hesitates or refuses to go the whole adoption is off (we have had several instances of this and if the Pyr does not want to go we find another acceptable home for that Pyr). In general, many of the rescued Pyrenees have been family pets before coming to PYRescue for adoption. If at all possible, they are placed in a pet-oriented family home. However, the ever growing need to find homes has caused PYRescue to place Pyrs also in ranch/farm oriented environments, especially as related to small llama and sheep herds. This approach appears to be working well in situations where the new owners are prepared to be both patient and compassionate towards the Pyr in relation to his/her new environment. PYRescue also develops and publishes various educational documents related to the guardianship and care of the Great Pyrenees.

Great Pyrenees Rescue and Sanctuary
[email protected]

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