Dachshund | Lakewood, CO
Age : 3 Months 1 DayMale
affectionate playful playsToys
Good in Home With
Others DogsChildren
Meet Asher
10 week old BEST GUESSED Dachshund mixes! Without DNA testing or knowing parents the breed is GUESSED by shelter.
Adoption Process
Dogs and Cats Listed are in foster homes and available for adoption. A person must complete an adoption application, the application is then screened and vet references called. The applicant is then called for an interview. If approved the application is then sent to the foster to set up a meet and greet. If that goes well a home visit is set up for final approval. If approved the adopter must fill out an adoption contract and pay an adoption fee. All animals are spayed/neutered, up to date on vaccinations and microchipped prior to any adoption.
Paws on the Ground Colorado
[email protected]
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