Adams County Animal Shelter

The Adams County Animal Shelter is a county run facility where we care for lost and homeless pets. We strive to provide a high quality of care for the pet animals in our facility, as well as providing a high degree of customer service to our patrons. We are committed to reuiniting pets with their owners, or finding homeless pets permanent homes.

Brighton, CO,80601
Get directions

Email: [email protected]

Phone Number: (303) 288-3294



German Shepherd Dog | Severance, CO

Age : 5 YearsAdultFemaleLargeBlack


Coat Length


Good in Home With



Meet Scarlett, a gentle soul with a heart full of love. Her personality is a calming blend of sweetness and shyness. Her mellow demeanor is soothing, providing a peaceful atmosphere wherever she goes. Scarlett has a knack for sensing emotions, often curling up beside you when you need comfort the most. Despite her shy nature, she's eager to connect with people, her tail softly wagging as she slowly warms up to new friends. She's also patient, making her an ideal companion for both children and adults. Scarlett's tender nature makes her the perfect pet for those seeking a calm, loving companion. She has so much love to give and is waiting for the perfect family to share it with. Adopt Scarlett and let her fill your home with tranquility and affection.

Adoption Process
To adopt an animal through our facility you will fill out an adoption contract and pay applicable fees. It costs $10-$35 to adopt a cat; and $30-$120 to adopt a dog. All animals MUST be sterilized before leaving the shelter. If an animl is not fixed at the time of adoption, it will be spayed/neutered before it leaves by the shelter veterinarian. Adoption fees include all vaccinations, fees depend on spay/neuter status.

Adams County Animal Shelter
(303) 288-3294
[email protected]

Look for other dogs for adoption!

Helping You Be the Best Pet Parent You Can Be

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