Saluki | Sussex County, DE
Good in Home With
Meet Carter
Carter is a Wadi dog who we recently welcomed from Oman. Wadi dogs are from the wadis (dry riverbeds) of Oman. They are typically stray dogs that live in groups and are generally non-aggressive survivors who avoid police interdiction. They are believed to be a mix of Saluki and other sighthound types. Carter along with his brother Bandit were found stuck on a roundabout on the main highway in Muscat. They were so skinny and probably hadn't eaten for days. Carter is described as confident with a tail that never stops wagging. Carter was born in December 2023. Carter is cat tolerant with supervision. Carter is in a foster home and doing well.
Greyhound Friends of NJ, Inc.
(732) 356-4370
[email protected]