Terrier | Palm Coast, FL
Age : 3 Years 1 MonthAdultFemaleSmallWhite
affectionate eagerToPlease gentle doesWellInCar intelligent obedient olderKidsOnly timid
Coat Length
CurrentActivity Level
Moderately ActiveHouse Trained
YesGood in Home With
Others Dogs
Meet Chelsea
Chelsea is a 3 year old, 7 pound Terrier mix that is just the sweetest, bestest girl as long as you give her time & patience to accept you & the newness of a new home. She wasn't socialized nor is she used to new people so she opts to sit back & observe until she feels comfortable. Once she connects with you, she is just so dreamy. Chelsea just recently had a litter of pups so her tummy is still tightening up & was recently spayed. Are you looking for a little angel that you can share your world with & are patient enough to introduce her to new sights, smells & people including becoming more confident on a leash? If so, reach out to us at Papillon Pals & let's see if you are a good match for her.
Adoption Process
Accept application, review application, check vet and 2 personal references, conduct home visit, Adoption Committee reviews all information and makes adoption decision. If yes, adopter completes contract indicating dog will be a pet and kept inside and if they cannot keep the dog they will return to our rescue. They pay an adoption donation based on the breed, purebred or mix, age, and health of the dog.
Papillon Pals Rescue, Inc.
[email protected]
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