German Shepherd Dog | Athens, GA
AdultMaleLargeBlack with Tan, Yellow or Fawn
affectionate eagerToPlease eventempered obedient olderKidsOnly playful
Coat Length
ShortActivity Level
Moderately ActiveEnergy Level
ModerateGood in Home With
Others DogsCats
Adoption Fees
300Meet Marvin! He is a 2-3 year old male. He is current on all vet care, neutered, and chipped. Marvin weighs about 75 lbs, he walks well on a leash and is dog friendly. He lives with a cat sibling at his fosters home and just "ignores the cat". A great all around dog to compliment any loving family. Currently being fostered in Gainsville GA
Adoption Process
1. Complete application
2. Application is processed including vet checks, property checks
3. If approved, applicant is invited to meet the dog
4. If good match, applicant may adopt.
Yes, there is an adoption contract
Leica's "Saving Paws" Rescue
[email protected]