Siberian Husky | Olney, IL
Age : 1 Year 11 MonthsAdultMaleLargeBlack with Gray or Silver
affectionate eagerToPlease goofy intelligent playful
Coat Length
LongActivity Level
Highly ActiveEnergy Level
HighGood in Home With
Others DogsCatsChildren
Adoption Process
Fees for cats are $45 up to 6 months, $75 over 6 months. Dog fees are $100 up to 6 months, $150 over 6 months. Adoptions include microchipping, spay/neuter, rabies vaccine. We do require a veterinarian name and phone number before or at adoption. Our application is name, address, and phone number of adopter.
Wayne County Humane Society
(618) 847-4012
[email protected]
http://518 SE 4th Street