American Bulldog | Saline County, IL
FemaleTan/Yellow/Fawn with White
affectionate eagerToPlease eventempered gentle goofy intelligent obedient playful
Activity Level
Slightly ActiveGood in Home With
Others DogsChildren
super sweet girl, always excited to see and greet everyone. her smile is infectious.
Adoption Process
Fees for cats are $45 up to 6 months, $75 over 6 months. Dog fees are $100 up to 6 months, $150 over 6 months. Adoptions include microchipping, spay/neuter, rabies vaccine. We do require a veterinarian name and phone number before or at adoption. Our application is name, address, and phone number of adopter.
Wayne County Humane Society
(618) 847-4012
[email protected]
http://518 SE 4th Street