Sheep Dog | Frankton, IN
Age : 2 Years 2 MonthsAdultMaleMediumBrown/Chocolate
affectionate leashtrained obedient olderKidsOnly playful playsToys
Coat Length
LongActivity Level
Moderately ActiveEnergy Level
ModerateHouse Trained
YesGood in Home With
Others DogsChildren
Meet Mowglie
Mowglie, a 60 pound loveable two-year-old sheepdog mix, is a medium to low energy dog. He's incredibly adorable and enjoys snuggling close to his owners. If you sit on the floor with him, he will happily roll into your lap. Mowglie is also learning basic commands like sit, down and wait. He's highly food-motivated and performs best when given a small amount of kibble. Mowglie would thrive in a single dog household with older children. He loves running and playing in his foster families' fenced in yard, especially with their other dog. He's friendly and affectionate towards everyone he meets and always follows his foster family around the house.Mowglie is microchipped, neutered and up to date on all vaccines. He is crate trained. Mowglie is eagerly looking forward to finding his forever family.
Adoption Process
Applicant completes application form, has interview with ARPO representative, and home visit prior to pet placement.
Alliance for Responsible Pet Ownership, Inc.
(317) 774-8292
[email protected]
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