Iroquois County Animal Rescue

Iroquois County Animal Rescue was initially created in 2008 in response to the many domestic animals who were left displaced by the floods of January and February 2008 in Watseka, IL. Well, since then, our phone has continued to ring off the hook! We have since expanded our scope to include all of Iroquois County and are proud to provide its wonderful residents with this much needed service.We exist to serve YOU- and to respond to every cry for help from a caring citizen that concerns an animal in need- and WE cannot exist without your support. ICARe is a TRUE charity, with 100% of its income going right back to the animals we care for. As a 501(c) 3 non-profit, every dollar that you donate to us is tax deductible to you.The missions of ICARe are threefold: (a) to alleviate the suffering of domestic animals in Iroquois County by providing for their immediate needs such as, but not limited to, food, shelter, and medical treatment; (b) to provide for the long-term care of these animals by seeking to place them in foster and/or adoptive homes; and (c) to control animal over-population in Irq. County by providing pet owners and animal caretakers with low-cost, affordable spay/neuter services.

Iroquois, IL,60970
Get directions

Email: [email protected]

Phone Number: (815) 429-4028



Border Collie | Jasper County, IN

Age : 2 Months 29 DaysBabyMaleCatahoula Leopard Dog



affectionate eagerToPlease goofy obedient playful playsToys

Coat Length




House Trained


Good in Home With

Others DogsCatsChildren

Meet Buckwheat

Buckwheat and his siblings are all looking for homes! They were brought in as a stray litter and are so sweet and playful!

Adoption Process
All prospective adoptors must fill out an adoption application, possess a drivers license or state ID, and include a vet reference. Renters MUST include a phone number where their landlord can be reached. Same day adoptions are possible in most cases except for on Saturday after noon when vet offices are closed. In this case, your new pet will not be able to go home with you until Monday when vets office is open again and we can verify your vet reference. As of July 2009, it became the law in the state of Illinois that all animals adopted from a rescue or shelter must be microchipped within 30 days of their adoption. This is part of the contract you will be required to sign and your responsibility to carry out and send proof to ICARe that this has been done. All animals available for adoption are already de-wormed, spayed/neutered, vaccinated for Rabies, and twice vaccinated for Distemper. Our adoption fees are as follows: Adult cats $50; Kittens $65; Purebreed cats $75; Purebreed kittens $100; Adult dogs $75-$100, based on age and breed; Puppies, purebreeds, and designer mixes $100-$125, based on age.

Iroquois County Animal Rescue
(815) 429-4028
[email protected]

Look for other dogs for adoption!

Helping You Be the Best Pet Parent You Can Be

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