Ellie Mae
French Bulldog | Panora, IA
Age : 6 Years 7 MonthsAdultFemaleMediumFawn
Coat Length
ShortHouse Trained
YesGood in Home With
Adoption Fees
250.00Meet Ellie Mae
Ellie Mae was recently separated from Alexa Jane and is no longer bonded. She will be adopted on her own. Ellie Mae is almost 6 years old. She is a purebred French Bulldog. Ellie Mae weighs 27.5 lbs. She is a sweet girl that loves to snuggle. She loves being outside exploring and checking out the neighbor dogs. We would prefer a fenced yard for her and priority will be given to a family with a fenced yard. She is house trained and prefers to sleep in bed with the family. She is kennel trained as well but kenneling is not necessary for the most part. She does well with other dogs but she would do well in a home with no other dogs. Ellie Mae is a spoiled princess and doesn't always want attention to be focused on other dogs. She is on a special diet and a few meds for pain and digestive issues. There are no current health issues that are not being managed as long as she has her Royal Canin diet. information will not be disclosed to anyone not willing to complete an application or meet Ellie Mae. She does very well on walks and in the car. She is described as the perfect dog by her foster. If you are interested in meeting the Ellie Mae, please complete an online application at https://hopeanimalrescueofiowa.duplie.com/forms/196/dog-application Adoption fee is $250 each which includes spay/neuter, microchip, and age appropriate vaccines.
Adoption Process
We require an application be completed, do home visits and check references. Have meet and greets with children and other pets. We require animals be returned to us if circumstances change. We require a signed adoption contract. We do not allow our animals to be kept outdoors. $100 Senior Dog (9+ years old)
$200 Adult Dog
$225 Puppy
$30 Senior Cat (10+ years old)
$60 Adult Cat
$100 Kitten (or 2 for $150)
Purebred/Designer dog adoption fees will be determined on case by case basis dependent on finders fees, vetting costs and transporting fees. Each purebreds breed will determine baseline fee.
Hope Animal Rescue of Iowa
[email protected]