Shepherd | Worth County, IA
Age : 1 Month 19 DaysBabyFemaleLargeHusky
affectionate eventempered goofy intelligent olderKidsOnly playful playsToys
Coat Length
ShortActivity Level
Highly ActiveEnergy Level
HighHouse Trained
YesGood in Home With
Others DogsChildren
Adoption Fees
$150.00Meet Fable
Fable is 1 of 8 puppies who were born at the city pound on Dec. 7th. They came to our shelter the very next day with their mom, who appears to be a husky/shepherd mix. The rest of their genetic makeup is a mystery and it's entirely possible that the litter was fathered by more than one dog. The pups look like they could be mixed with shepherd, lab, and maybe some pit bull. Some of the pups have heavier builds, but Fable is a smaller, more delicate pup. She and her siblings will be ready for adoption after their 2nd vaccination and vet visit on Feb. 3rd. Their fee of $150 will cover all of their basic vet work - their 3rd puppy shot, rabies shot when old enough, and spay/neuter surgery when old enough. Puppies need a lot of patience and basic training in all areas. A potential adopter should be prepared for all of this. They need homes in which they won't be left alone for long hours. They should be okay with other dogs and are young enough to learn to interact nicely with cats. Older kids would be best as they are entering the crazy puppy stage - teeth, nails, and learning manners! NOTE: Adoptions are done via private appointment once an application has been submitted and approved. Applications must be submitted at our website, mchs.rescuegroups.org. Keep an eye on your emails if you apply. We are located at 101 22nd St. SE in Austin, right next to the airport. It's exit 180B off of I-90, right off of 218 South. We do require that potential adopters be at least 21 years old and that any resident dogs be up to date on vaccinations, heartworm testing/preventatives, and spayed or neutered.
Adoption Process
Starts with written Application form which includes questions regarding housing situation (rent/own etc. renters require landlord approval), History of previous or current pets, Vet information, Animal housing information (cats must be indoors, dogs fenced yard etc.). Fees for Cat Adoptions are $50 (or $75 for two) Dogs vary based on breed, size, etc. Average is $125.
Mower County Humane Society
(507) 437-9262