American Pit Bull Terrier | Brooksville, KY
Age : 1 Year 11 MonthsAdultFemaleMediumGray/Silver/Salt & Pepper with White
affectionate eagerToPlease gentle intelligent leashtrained obedient playful playsToys
Coat Length
ShortActivity Level
Moderately ActiveEnergy Level
ModerateHouse Trained
YesGood in Home With
Others DogsChildren
Rosé is a Pit/Border Collie(?) mix. This almost-2-year-old is super smart and eager to please! Will do anything for a treat (which she takes gently!) She can get quite excited (especially when it comes to full body rubs and pets!) and has a lot of energy, but can come back "down to earth" well. She's got Sit down pat, and quickly caught on to Come and Lay Down! She loves to play and thinks squeaking toys are quite interesting! She also gets along with most dogs, kids, and did we mention she's housebroken?
Adoption Process
Adoption application, adoption contract, dogs $110 and cats $90. We verify if they own or rent and are allowed to have pets. Verify living conditions. Conduct meet and greet with other pets. Verify rabies vaccinations are current on pets.
Scott County Animal Care and Control
(502) 863-7897
[email protected]