German Shepherd Dog | Lexington, KY
AdultFemaleLargeTan/Yellow/Fawn with Black
affectionate eagerToPlease fetches goofy intelligent leashtrained obedient olderKidsOnly playful playsToys
Coat Length
MediumActivity Level
Highly ActiveEnergy Level
HighHouse Trained
YesGood in Home With
Others DogsChildren
Meet Marley
Marley is a friendly girl with a ton of motivation. She demonstrates a strong willingness to please, but requires regular physical activity and stimulation.
Adoption Process
Adoption application, adoption contract, dogs $110 and cats $90. We verify if they own or rent and are allowed to have pets. Verify living conditions. Conduct meet and greet with other pets. Verify rabies vaccinations are current on pets.
Scott County Animal Care and Control
(502) 863-7897
[email protected]
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