Pit Bull Terrier | Plano, KY
YoungFemaleMediumBrown/Chocolate with Tan
affectionate cratetrained eagerToPlease eventempered fetches gentle doesWellInCar intelligent lap leashtrained needsCompanionAnimal obedient playful playsToys
Coat Length
CurrentActivity Level
Highly ActiveEnergy Level
HighHouse Trained
YesGood in Home With
Others DogsChildren
Meet Ivy
Meet Ivy: Your Future Best Friend! Ivy is a sweet and joyful dog who truly deserves a second chance at life. Rescued from the side of the road in poor condition, this brave girl has blossomed since being taken in. Initially timid, Ivy quickly warmed up to her new surroundings. She is fully vetted and spayed. We don't think she will get over 45-55lbs. She is less than 18' tall. This happy little lady adores attention, especially to be pet, and is always eager for a good treat, walk, or play session. Ivy walks beautifully on a leash, is crate trained, house trained and knows some basic commands. She is very smart and quick to learn. She knows how to wait, follow, and tap your hand for a treat. She is a jumper, so we continue to work on her jumping. She still chases the cat but has no intent of hurting them. She does not respond negatively when the cat corrects her. She continues to play with her foster sibling, which is a Golden, so a home with a playmate would be ideal. She does have a high-pitched cry when she things she has been left behind. She grunts when she is happy. She has a lot of energy and is very sociable. She sleeps through the night. Bonnie has adjusted well to home life and can navigate stairs with ease. Nothing phases her—not even the vacuum cleaner! Ivy has a healthy appetite and enjoys car rides, making her the perfect adventure buddy. Although Ivy is a velcro dog and loves to be with her human, she would fit best in a home with a playmate. While she’s friendly with everyone she meets, Ivy would thrive best in a cat-free home. She would benefit from a fenced yard where she can play and run. If you’re searching for a playful companion who’s ready to share love and create wonderful memories, Ivy is the perfect match for you! If you are interested in Ivy, please complete the following application to begin the adoption process: https://www.battleforthebully.org/adoption
Adoption Process
Phone Interview, Vet Check, Personal Reference Check, Home Visit, Approval/Denial Letter, Adoption Contract if Approved
Battle for the Bully "Changing the Perception"
[email protected]
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