Husky Education And Rescue Team, Inc.

We are a 501(c) (3) nonprofit - pending animal rescue organization. Our organization saves, rehabilitates, and rehomes Siberian Huskies (and other breeds of dogs) who are abandoned and are in kill shelters. We provide medical and behavioral services and rehome them to compatible families. We do this through volunteer efforts. Most of the dogs in need will come from the Southern States where the shelter kill rate is higher. We have a network of foster homes along the East Coast, while our adoption locations can be found in Maryland and New Jersey.

Severn, MD,21144
Get directions

Email: [email protected]



Siberian Husky | Towson, MD

Age : 10 DaysYoungMaleLargeWhite



affectionate cratetrained doesWellInCar intelligent leashtrained noHeat noSmallDogs olderKidsOnly playsToys

Coat Length




Activity Level

Highly Active

Energy Level


House Trained


Good in Home With

Others DogsChildren

Meet Asta

Asta is a 7 month old, bi-eyed, long coated white Siberian Husky who’s ready to turn the page and find his forever family! Asta’s journey has been a little bumpy so far. He arrived at Animal Control as a stray, and while his owner initially reclaimed him, just two weeks later, he was surrendered due to a landlord’s no-pet policy. It’s clear this sweet boy has already experienced a lot of change in his young life, but we’re determined to ensure his next move is the best one yet. Asta is an absolute gem of a puppy! He’s already mastered basic commands, is playful, and has a heart full of love. He gets along with other dogs and would thrive in a home with young, active canine companions to wrestle and romp with. Because of his breed’s unique needs, we’re looking for adopters with experience or familiarity with similar breeds. Asta is currently in Maryland, but don’t worry—transportation within our adoption area can be arranged. As we get to know him better, we’ll share updates on his personality and quirks, but if you’re ready to take the leap, you can apply to be considered as his forever family. Let’s give Asta the fresh start he deserves!   More pictures & videos at

Adoption Process
A potential adopter must complete our adoption application at and be screened including personal references, vet reference, rescue reference, phone interview and home check. Our adoption fee for an adult dog is $350 and they must execute our Adoption Contract

Husky Education And Rescue Team, Inc.
[email protected]

Look for other dogs for adoption!

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