Boxer | Tecumseh, MI
Age : 8 Years 8 MonthsSeniorFemaleMediumTan/Yellow/Fawn with White
Coat Length
CurrentActivity Level
Moderately ActiveEnergy Level
ModerateGood in Home With
Adoption Fees
$200Meet Louise
Meet Louise, one of our newest residents at the Mikey & Me Kennels for Happy Days Rescue. Louise is an 8 year old Boxer Mix, she’s a genuinely sweet and loving dog, and she’s endured more pain and sorrow in her life than any dog should ever have to. Louise was found in a home in Ohio when Child Protective Services was called to do a welfare check on children in the home. But, as most neglected and abused dogs usually are, Louise has shown us that she is resilient, happy, loving, and excited to see what her future has in store. I took Louise to the Vet on Monday and she has come a long way since being rescued. She’s put on 8 pounds, she tested negative for Heart Worm disease, and her blood work showed that her prior anemia has been resolved. We are feeding Louise smaller amounts of food four times daily and her energy is good. After previously being locked in a bedroom with no food, Louise has been eager to go outside, take walks, engage in the play area, and to discover new things. Please help me find this deserving girl a forever home. There are people out there that are looking for older dogs and she will make a wonderful companion. She weighs just 36 pounds and she very much enjoys one on one cuddle time on the couch. If you would like to meet Louise, please submit an adoption application under her name at happydaysdogandcatrescue.org. Daniel DePew Mikey & Me Happy Days Dog and Cat Rescue microchips all dogs and cats before adoption. Microchips are implanted between the shoulder blades and are another form of identification should the animal get lost. The microchips are registered to Happy Days Dog and Cat Rescue. The adopter's information is added once the adoption is complete. The adopter is responsible for a $19.99/Year registration fee or a $45.00/Lifetime registration fee to change information. Dogs and Cats still need to have collar with tags should they get lost.
Adoption Process
Approved adoption application required.
Vet check of current and past animals required.
Home assessment / home visit with the entire family, including all current pets required.
If adoption occurs, Adoption Contract is required.
Spay/neuter Agreement required [if animal not fixed at time of adoption]
Return of animal to the rescue if the adoption doesn't work out is required.
Adoption fee required; however, the fee varies based on the age and health of the animal. Special rates apply for seniors adopting seniors.
Happy Days Dog and Cat Rescue
[email protected]
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