Pit Bull Terrier | Walker, MI
Age : 3 Months 27 DaysBabyFemaleMediumBoxer
affectionate eagerToPlease eventempered gentle doesWellInCar goofy intelligent lap leashtrained playful playsToys
Coat Length
ShortEnergy Level
ModerateHouse Trained
YesGood in Home With
Others DogsCatsChildren
Adoption Fees
$300.00WE DO NOT ADOPT OUT OF STATE 1 of 8 puppies who were left in a loud scary shelter with their mom not even 2 weeks old. They are living in foster homes learning to be the best puppies. They are good with everything and everyone. They are hoping to find furever homes for the New Year!!!! Preadoption applications can be filled out online at www.luvnpupz.org/applications It takes up to 14 business days to process an application to adopt from the rescue not a specific dog as we strive to place the right dog in the right home based on each individuals needs and personalities. We are a home based foster rescue. We have meet and greet events for some available animals on the weekends. Please watch our facebook page ( facebook.com/luvnpupz ) for locations and which pups will be there. Adoption fees are $300 - It includes age appropriate vaccinations, deworming, microchip, flea/tick prevention, heartworm prevention, and spay/neuter at our vet when old enough.
Adoption Process
preadoption applications required, vet reference and personal reference checks and then a home check prior to any adoption. All adoption fees are $300
contracts at adoption
Luvn Pupz LLC
[email protected]